The Goddess

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The young teen huffed softly as she carefully tied a wooden block to the edge of her raft. She had done this plenty of times before, but that didn't make her any less nervous.

For maybe a month, she's been floating aimlessly out in the ocean. Yes, she's seen a few islands, but they weren't any she knew, and they didn't have any natives.

There was a storm coming her way and she was trying to hurry up on getting her raft ready for it as well as herself, because she knew that she needed to make sure things don't tip over and fall in the water... Which would most certainly be bad as she needed those things to survive!

All she could be glad for was that her parents were overprotective and taught her how to survive in situations like this... Which is odd, but like I said, her parents were overprotective.

Sighing softly, she quickly rose to her feet and hurried about, making sure things were tied down to the planks or to the railings, moving smaller things into a few chests she was able to make and moving those into a small hut she made for when she had to sleep.

Tying a hat onto her head and some thick scarf she was able to make, she prepared for a hellish time that night...

The storm was rough, tossing and threatening to tip the flimsy raft, few thing being washed away.

The girl coughed a bit of water out of her lungs, lunging to grab the barrel where all the water she gets comes from.

Why did the storm have to be so rough?

She didn't have time to think about any of that... She had no time at all as a giant wave crashed into the barrage, cracking it down the middle. There was enough force behind it... That the young female blacked out the moment her head was submerged.

The sun shone in the dark skinned teen's face, making them roll to their side, hacking up whatever wasn't suppose to be in their lungs, breathing heavily.

Thankfully, she was on an island of some sort... Or at least a sandy rock.

Grunting from the effort, she staggered to her feet. The storm was hell and now she has to start at square one...

Rolling her head a bit, she rubbed her tense shoulders. She really was going to be needing a break from everything after this... And that's if she survives it!

Walking a bit to what she hopped was East, she was very quickly interrupted by a lot, and I do mean a lot, of people pointing spears, swords and arrows at her.

Gulping a bit, her hands flew up in a surrender fashion, her feet automatically walking backwards two steps.

The natives growled at her, glaring her down with one eye each. No, they weren't like cyclopes, they just had some bandages covering their left eye... Maybe it was some sort of tradition? Most likely...

They also wore ripped fabric and skins that were not only poorly kept, but put together... Maybe they did a lot of fighting...

"Qbi uly sio!" A strong looking man shouted, causing the young girl to wince.

She didn't understand what he said... It wasn't a language she was had learned or heard of...

"Qbun xi sio qcmb iz om, Chpuxyl?" The same man growled, narrowing his one eye as he leaned in closer, pushing his spear closer to her.

"I-I don't under-understand you..." She whimpered out, taking another step back.

A woman who had a nasty cut on her stomach said something to the man, who nodded slowly.

"Sio qcff wigy qcnb om, Chpuxyl." The man swiftly reached out and grabbed the young teen in a bruising grip, pulling her closer to him.

Biting her lip, she expected pain of some kind, but was pleasantly surprised when he just started walking with her in his hold.

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