I'll Make You Holy

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Juvamoon. Also, I have no idea what a priest in training does... So, please keep that in mind.

Taking a deep breath, he sat on his knees and  closed his eyes. He lightly thumbed the rosary beads in his hands as he held his head down.

Quietly, he muttered a pray under his breath in the empty hall. He wasn't suppose to be there, but he had those awful, sinful dreams again... Dreams of a Demon...

Yes he could simply tell one of the older priests, but he didn't want others to know of the sinful sights that plagued his mind... Specially since the Demon was male... Like him.

Taking another deep breath, he finished the prayer and looked up at the large statue of Virgin Mary with the large wooden cross behind her.

Making the cross over his chest, he carefully stood up and hung the rosary necklace over his neck once again.

Silently, he made his way down the vast halls of his beloved church.

It was the oldest church in the town, having been there since the beginning and have stood against the test of time. Because the building was so old and large, though, many halls and rooms were closed off or forgotten. It also was normally forbidden that a young priest would go out in the dark hour, mainly because all the halls in the darkness looked very similar.

Of course, despite being a well mannered and behaved young man, he never listened to said rule. He found it quiet silly actually. Besides that, he knew many of the forgotten halls and hidden passage ways, he knew how to get to his dorm without ever getting caught.

Though, this night... Something felt odd... and dark in the ancient church.

The young priest tried to shrug it off, but something kept edging at him... Urging him to get to his dorm faster.

His instincts usually weren't wrong... So, he started to run as fast, but as quietly as possible.

He took many of the hidden passages and hallways, the dread growing worse.

Finally, he made it to the ancient door to his room. He didn't hesitate and hurried in.

The room was pitch black, the waxing moon being covered by wondering clouds. The room was also silent... He didn't like this silence though...

Normally when he comes back to the room, he could hear his friend's heavy breathing, or the soft snoring of the big fat kid, even the jittering mumbles of the oldest boy there.

Yet, it all was quiet... Nothing was making a sound... It scared him...

"Fresh..." An eerie voice murmured from the darkness.

Fresh's eyes widen as he backed into the closed door. That voice... It was the voice from his dreams! He knew it was!

"It's been so long, Fresh..." The voice grew eerier, more distant in thought.

"You're not real... I'm dreaming again... I'm dreaming..." The pale mortal whispered, closing his eyes tightly. This had to be a dream... Demons couldn't enter a holy place, they just couldn't!

"Why do you say that, my little dove? Why do you persist on resisting me, after all we've been  through..." The voice murmured again, the distance in its voice fading.

Fresh shook his head, his hands instantly reaching towards his necklace.

His hands were stopped instantly by cold, large ones. They held his in a firm, but almost loving state, carefully kneading his hands together.

"Don't do that..." They sounded hurt... "Please don't do that... I want to stay, with you... Don't push me away, please?"

The smaller being's face cutely scrunched up in confusion. Had... Had the Demon really said please? Had he heard right?!

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