It Doesn't Matter

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Paperjam growled, lowering herself to the ground as she and her brother circled each other.

"ATTACH!" Their father yelled, his booming voice bouncing off the walls of the dark cave.

The larger of the two lunged at the smaller one, fangs bared, claws outstretched.

The smaller easily dodged the attack, her tail swiping at her older brother.

The older being jumped back before the sharp tail was able to hit him, leaving the ground where he once stood only blistering and cracked.

Jam hissed and howled in rage as they once again started to circle each other, waiting. They were waiting to see any mistakes, any weakness, anything.

The older brother saw it in a matter of seconds after their second circle, an opening!

The brother took it! However, just as sly and cunning as the fox, the smaller being lunged to the side, just as her brother was in the air, and lunched herself up. Her sharp claws dug into the tough plated armor, drawing the bronze colored blood.

The force of the collision sent the older dragon across the indented ring.

Before the pale yellow being could rise from the ground, the young being jumped on them, pressing their claws dangerously close to their sibling's neck. Yet, she made one mistake; not pinning his tail down.

With a simple swipe of the longer and wider tail, the older brother had his sister pinned beneath him, his fangs bared as he howled in victory, raising his unsheathed claws high in the air to strike.

"ENOUGH!" Boomed their mother's voice.

The two dragons parted as a pure white scaled dragon appeared. Her eyes were a dark sapphire blue and a menacing topaz yellow. Even though her horns were that of royal blood, her body was small and slim, just barely the size of a Young. She was a runt, even so, she was the fastest and the most cunning of all the Shadow Cave Dragons, making her title as their Queen most clear.

"You two must learn mercy as well as death." She hissed, her eyes hard on her eldest.

"But Mother! In the battle field, the-"

"No, Palette! Even in the battlefield, you must know mercy! You must know when to bow your head in pride! A wise dragon would know when to continue fighting and when it is time to fly away!"

Paperjam stayed quiet, as she usually did.

The brother growled challenging at  his mother, his yellowish-green eyes glowing with anger.

"That wretched father of mine-"

A dark spike of fire was shot at the half born, forcing both to jump out of the way.

"Do not talk about your father in such a way! We may be fighting his kind, but he was still your father!"

A pure black dragon stood from his resting spot, quickly making his way towards his caring mate, comforting them in their grief.

"Palette, pay respects to your birth father, now. With your attitude towards him, it is no wonder on why no female would ever let you court her." Hissed the King of the Cave Dragons.

The pale yellow dragon growled lowly in his throat, but begrudgingly bowed before his adoptive father. He rather see another sun rise than be slayed where he stood.

Snapping the rough vines that had tied his large wings to his side, Palette flew out of the underground cave, leaving his envious sister behind.

"Mommy, can you untie me please?" The sweet thing called out, hoping over to the angered female.

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