Bon Appetit

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Northstar030, this is the third attempt at this... So, that's my only reason for taking so long. I really hope this ends up better than what I had originally planned. Also Sauve isn't Jasper's servant just yet. Got it? Okay! Also, sorry, if it's not what you really wanted... Sorry...


Jasper sighed bordly. There wasn't anything to do... His Uncle, who was the King of Vampires, was busy with the Council. They've been trying to weaken the King's power, to which has been unsuccessful since he was a Royal vampire.

Now, unlike what most believe, regular vampires don't live forever, longer than most mortals, but they still die of old age. Royals however, they do live forever, well, until they die of something new, like a new weapon.

Jasper and his Uncle were the last of the Royals to be alive, meaning their power has to stay, but Jasper was still too young to handle the meetings... By two years.

Sighing softly again, the young vampire walked through the large castle to which many Vampires close to his Uncle lived. Many of these Vampires were either new, young, or old friends of Fallacy's. Almost all of them a bore.

"Lord Jasper, wherefore art thou going?" A red haired Vampire questioned, walking from one of the many dark shadows. "The sun is to rise in two hours."

The black skeleton nodded, rolling his glowing eyes.

"Aye, I knoweth this, Charlos. Yet, I am twid'ling mine thumbs and starved. So, begone wilt thee." The Royal waved his hand dismissively at the younger Vampire. He was newly turned, only having a hundred years under his undead belt. Meaning, he's still acting like a human, still thinking that all Vampires burn the moment the sun comes up.

The pale human nodded, taking a step to the side. He knew better than to challenge a Royal like Jasper, who was known for his temper and brutality.

The dark boned monster easily glided through the forest that hid his Uncle's Castle from wondering eyes. He knew the forest well, not only had he lived in them before, but he had grew up in them since his Father and Mother were Royal Council Members... Well, till some mortals got the idea to attack the only animal drinking Vampires that were in the entire woods.

The sound of a soul beat brought the Royal from their short memory. The sound came near the edge of the dangerous forest.

A smirk fell on his lips as he made his way towards it.

"Do this, do that... I shall do what I wish." A grumble sounded, stomping faintly shaking the ground.

The black boned vampire hid from the mortal, watching like a predator stalking its prey.

Yet, he felt his dark soul twitch with a beat the moment he saw his prey.

They were a young mortal, maybe no older than ten. They were a white skeleton monster, wearing simple clothes that looked to be a size too big... They also were squinting a lot, which nearly hid their bright pink eyes, one of them being a soul.

They were a parasite...

The Vampire watched in the shadows, silently waiting for the time to attack their prey. Yes, they'll admit, in all of their  two thousand years of living, he had never seen someone as beautiful as that mortal, but they're still food.

"Sauvé!" A soft voice yelled as light streaks of golden red and mauve purple started filling the sky. It was dawn.

"Momma?" The young skeleton called back, his eyes widen slightly before a calm grin broke out. "Momma!" He called again, a young human woman pushing back shrubbery to see her son.

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