New Lives

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I looked down at the pair of sun glasses. The pair that my love had always wore... He wore them to hide his beautiful eyes from the cruel world... Yet, he let me see them... He let me see them no matter what... But I didn't see them when he was killed... 

"Jam... Are you alright?" Xcellence whispered, kneeling in front of me.

I felt my face, I was crying... 

"Fine, home dawg! Just thinkin' of the old times, ya know?" I gave a shaky smile as I placed the colorful pair of sunglasses back on. 

"Yeah... I know..." The white skeleton monster sighed lowly, looking down to the ground. He had lost someone to the same murderer. The murderer I was able to kill... 

"Come on, homie, we need to get to work..." I muttered, standing up. 

X and I were both cops... I didn't mind being a cop... I just hated how it reminded me everyday that I wasn't able to save the one life that mattered the most to me... It hurts a lot you know...

Me and my friend walked out and went into our car, we were partners since we knew each other and we worked well with each other. That and everyone's afraid of us. 

We drove around for a while, picked up the local druggies and drug dealers as well as stopped some fights. It was simple enough... A usual day for us... 

Then we got a call for some break-in and we were closer to the area. Quickly we drove to the house, the mayor's house... 

"Come on, our shifts almost done." My partner whispered, getting ready for a chase. 

I nodded, getting out of the car. I wanted to get this done just as fast as he does. We really don't have much time for this shiz. 

I took the inside of the house, while he went around the back... I carefully walked around, hearing giggling from the kitchen.

I slowly walked there, the sound of a door opening and closing reaching my ears. I bit my lip to stop myself from cursing. 

I peaked into the kitchen, most of the cabinets and pantries were open, a lot of food was gone. 

But one pantry had one thing in it... A monster. A white skeleton monster, maybe no older than ten. 

He grabbed some boxes of cookies and pop tarts, stuffing them into his large hiking bag... I was confused, until I look down at his clothes... He was homeless... You could tell from the tattered clothes that had holes in them...

Sighing softly, the cop quickly grabbed the kid. They screamed loudly and started struggling, kicking and punching! 

I held them carefully, their thrashing around not really hurting me. I easily brought them outside and sat them on the hood. 

The kid tried to jump off of it, but I easily sat him down again. He whimpered and whined, keeping his eyes closed... He was scared? I wasn't going to hurt him. 

Another scream went through the air, just as X was holding a very squirmy child. They were a bit chubby in the belly, but they were overly cute. 

My partner did the same thing that I did, sighing as he rotated his arm. The child was shaking heavily, clinging to the other... They must've been related or something...

Me and my friend sighed... This was going to go into overtime. 

"Why did ya two break in the Mayor's crib?" I asked in my lingo. 

The two opened their eyes, eyes that only me and X would ever know. 

The one I had took had a soul for one eye, the other being a dark magenta color. He was panting softly out of fear, still clinging to his friend. The other one had deep violet eyes and a small scratch that seemed to be healing up underneath one of his eyes. 

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