Loving The Frightened

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Paperjam hid from the monsters and humans. He was frightened by them. He saw what they didn't see. He saw so much... It just hurts...

He had been kicked and hurt all because he was a neko. All because he was different...

He feared the humans mostly as they see him as not a monster, but a pet... A toy to be bought and destroyed. His mother died protecting and teaching him. He won't let it go in vain.

Shifting back into his cat form, PJ raced across the street. There was a small shop where he normally steals from. Of course, he comes and goes randomly. He doesn't want the owner to know that he was a half monster and half neko.

The black cat was able to slip past the door and instantly saw the fish. They were father from the door, but Paper was faster than the average neko. He stealthy crawled his way to the fish and waited.

All good things come to those who wait. He had to wait so that he could get a clean catch and not risk getting hurt.

Once it was clear, Paperjam jumped up onto the stand and snagged one out of the dozen or so.

"Hey! Get out of here you vermin!" The store owner shouted, trying to hit him with a broom.

Jam jumped to the next shelf and raced it as the owner ran after him. He dodged and hid as best as he could, but the sort of new lay out was more in the owner's favor than Paper's.

"Fresh! Get him!" The owner shouted as a skeleton in colorful clothing stepped out of the employee room.

The neko didn't have time to change direction as he was suddenly in the air. The stranger held him tightly, keeping him in place. No matter how hard the neko struggled to get free, the skeleton wouldn't let go.

"Good job, Fresh. That rodent has been costing me money." The owner swiped the fish out of the black cat's mouth.

Fresh was confused. The cat was just trying to get by and this wasn't nice. Heck, the authorizes would call this animal cruelty!

"Brah, he's just tryin' to live. I could keep him at my joint. It could keep him from stealen all of your money."

The owner growled at his employee but waved him away. It was something to get that cat away from him and his products.

Fresh nodded, looking down at the adorable cat. The monster noticed how thin and small it was even though it must've been a year or two old.

"Let's fetch ya some food." The colorful skeleton walked to his home after grabbing his stuff.

Paperjam gave up on trying to get out of the stranger's grip. Besides, the monster was offering some food and shelter for a bit.

"Fresh, why the hell did you bring a rodent into the house." A skeleton wearing all red asked, glaring down at Paper.

"He's not a rodent, bruh. He's a kitten."

The Neko let the word slid since he was young and more of a kitten than a cat.

"Well, doesn't look like it." The other skeleton harshly barked.

Fresh just shook his head and went to his bathroom. He knew that his twin would come around. Unfresh was just upset about his girlfriend dumping him.

"Let's get you a bath first."

Fresh closed the door to his bathroom as to not have to chase the cat around the house. After setting the cat down, he then hung his jacket, rolling his sleeves up a second later.

Paperjam sat patiently on the floor. He was wondering what the skeleton meant by bath. He watched with a bit of interest as he filled a tub with water.

PaperFresh ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora