I Wish pt2

378 14 41

I looked around the AU. 

It was mostly empty, except for the snow and dust blowing in the air. I was fine with this... 

I sat down in the snow, just looking up at the ceiling of the cave. It was hard, you know? To avoid Paperjam... I just can't deal with it... I just can't...

I love him too much... I love him to the point that it's hurting... I want to go back to the way it was before... When I couldn't feel... When I didn't feel like this! 

I felt the tears collect in my eyes... Yet, I couldn't let them go... I refused to let them go... 

"Hehehe! Hello~" A dark voice purred. 

I didn't need to look to know that it was the world's Chara. 

"Whatcha want, my unradical bro." I muttered, my eyes not leaving the rocks above me. 

"So easy~" They purred again, lunging at me. 

I teleported behind them and easily ripped out their soul and ate it. Unlike other monsters, I don't get any powers... The soul is just absorbed by my body, keeping my hoist's soul living for a bit longer. 

I walked through the quiet town, getting some stuff... Then headed back to my home... 

"Mr. Fresh! There you are!" The one monster that I didn't want to see shouted, standing up from sitting on my porch steps. 

I froze as Ink and Error were there too... Meaning I couldn't use the excuse of Ink not wanting him to be near me.

"H-Heya, Jamster..." I managed out, stepping around him as I had my arms full. 

The little one ignored it and helped me open my door. We all walked in, me going to the kitchen with the child following me. 

"Mommy says that I can spend the weekend with you since we haven't done that in a while!" He called out, as Ink leaned against the frame to my kitchen. 

I nearly dropped the can of soup that I was holding in surprise... Ink was letting his son spend two whole days with me! A parasite! Someone who had been avoiding him purposely!

"How does that sound, Fresh? I know it's sudden, but me and Error have a meeting with the others. Geno and Reaper were going there too, as well as most of the Sanses. I didn't know who to turn to..." Ink rubbed the back of his head nervously. Not that I blame him.

I gave a reassuring smile to Ink. 

"It's radical, meh dawg. Me and Jam-jam here are gonna have the coolest, fresh-tastic weekend, ever!" I threw my arm around the small child, smiling as I always would, even though my soul hammered in my eye.

"Great! We'll come pick him up on Sunday at eight! You two behave!" After that, the two gods disappeared. 

I pulled my arm away, but kept the strained smile. We talked while I made dinner... It was nice, though he kept talking about this new kid in his class... A human... 

I just smiled and nodded, pretending to be okay with it... I didn't understand why... But it was hard to pretend around him...

"Mr. Fresh... Is everything alright?" Paperjam asked when I was getting the living room ready for our movie.

I froze... How was I going to respond to that!

"I'm doing perfectly fine, meh home dawg... Why ya asken, broski?" I forced my voice not to shake, my smile never ending.

His little head was to the floor... Like he knew I was lying... I hope he didn't... We're just friends... That's all I am to him...

"You seem tense... And you've been trying to avoid me for a while now..." Jammy's voice came out soft, like he was scared of how I would react to his words...

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