It Doesn't Matter pt2

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Paperjam yawned softly, stretching her sore and stiff limbs from her rather uncomfortable bed.

"Jam?" The older sibling whispered, concern in those brightly lit eyes.

"Hm?" The smaller dragon lightly swayed on her feet.

"Are you alright?" Palette once more whispered, worry crowding into his every being.

For weeks now, his little sister had been getting less and less sleep, shifting and re-shifting in her nest until she walked out of the small cubby that they both called home in the early mornings.

The younger nod, yawning loudly as if to proclaim otherwise.

"I be fine, brother, ye don't needs t' worry so much..." She muttered, shaking her head to try and get the sleep from it.

"What?" The larger monster's face twisted in confusion and disgust.

Paper ignored the look and walked, more like stumbled, out of the room.

The day went on as usual, of course a bit more slow and sluggish now that the young heir was becoming restless at night, but the usual nonetheless.

Once it came time for the smaller to go to her healing lessons, the older heir silently followed his sister. For some reason, she went to an odd exit that wasn't there before.

Paperjam slipped out of the unground tribe's protection, hurrying with almost new life to get to her little hiding place.

Her steps were quiet and a little unsure. Sometimes, she would push herself off the ground, flapping her wings to get her a couple of feet closer.

Soon, though, her path was blocked by a broad, white dragon with pale rainbow horns.

"Mister Fresh!" The Young called out tiredly, yawning at the end.

The large King Dragon chuckled softly, picking the Young up by the scruff of their neck. He could only guess that they were tired from sleeping on uncomfortable nesting. Jam had told him how the make their nests, so he could understand why she wouldn't be sleeping so well.

Easily, he slipped into their little area, setting her down on their growing nest. He really cared for her, he really did. Yes, she was the child of the enemy, but... She was too innocent to hurt anyone, too kind to really mean any damage.

Paper was out in the few seconds that she was placed on the bedding. It was so soft and comfortable, so different compared to the soft bedrocks, dried leaves and ripped vines that the Cave Dragons were able to swiftly gather.

For a few moments, Fresh stared at her, a smile on his face before he went back out. No, he wasn't leaving for long, he just had to get some things for the nest.

Palette waited silently, pressing himself into the shadows, waiting.

His sister seemed so calm and relaxed, happy really...

When the Sky dragon came back, he was carrying more sticks, leaves and vines.

The white dragon worked swiftly and quietly, expanding and rounding out the nest, a mating nest.

"Mister Fresh..." A soft voice interrupted the older Dragon's work, tiredness still in it.

"Are ye starvin', Jammy?" There was light laughter in those words as the other went over to the Young, nuzzling the back of her neck.

Paperjam purred loudly, laying down happily.

"I'll loot that as a aye."

The rainbow Dragon walked over to an area of the clearing, using his tail to pull up a hidden hatch.

"Mister Fresh, can we practice my flying again? I'm getting better!" Excitement was in the Young's voice, her eyes shining happily.

The taller and stronger Dragon laughed proudly, grabbing some deer and rabbit meat.

"Aye, we'll continue practicin' yer flyin'. Ye're a fast learner, too." The meats were placed just outside the nest. "Deer first, then rabbit."

The Shadow Cave heir did as the other said, eating the deer meat before moving onto the rabbit.

Once the food was gone, the two relaxed for a bit, letting the meats settle. Then, the two left the clearing, moving to an area where there was a small hill top that had a collection of rocks.

PJ scurried up to the top of the hill, skillfully jumping up the rocks until she got to the flattest one that was near the top.

There, she spread her wings and took a running start. At the end, she pushed off with all of her strength, using her wings to carry her higher up.

She flew around the small area, diving before flying back up. She was a bit wobbly in the air, but the longer she flew, the better it got. The more smooth it looked.

It looked so gorgeous and peaceful... It looked unique, the way the Cave Dragon flew as if she was finally in her element, finally flying in the air than digging in the ground.

After some time, she glided down, clumsily landing.

"We'll work on yer landin', but ye looked so beautiful flyin' up thar... So peaceful, me dear one." Fresh murmured, lovingly nuzzling the Young.

She giggled, closing her eyes towards the happy affection. She loved it when he gave her affection, it made her feel special, even his small praises were the things that kept her happy for days!

"I should head back now, bye, Mr. Fresh!" The small thing called out, quickly nuzzling her hand on his cheek, then she scurried off through the woods to swiftly get back to her home.

Her older brother waited, waited to see if the Sky Dragon was going to follow his little sister, and he did. But he only followed as far as a couple of miles, not even close enough to the entrance... Just close enough to make sure that the small Young was safe.

Once Fresh was sure Paperjam wasn't going to get hurt, he left. He had to get back to his side of the kingdom, to calm its need for blood and war. Actually, it's a lot easier than it sounds, since his subjects were more peaceful dragons. Yet, it was his brother that was the problem... As long as the True King of the Sky Dragons stayed in the war, the younger Sky Dragon couldn't take the war the way he wanted to.

Palette went back to the Caverns, silently trying to find his sister. He found her quickly, right where she was suppose to be all day, in the healing class.

She was happily talking with the teacher, the last Dragon of a forgotten race... One of the many Dragons to have died because of the stupid war.

The dark scaled creature was talking about her flying, talking about how amazing it felt and how it felt calming... And the teacher, she simply smiled and encouraged the young heir to continue seeing the Sky Dragon!

The lime scaled heir narrowed his eyes. He had to tell his parents, they need to make sure that Fresh doesn't do anything stupid...

And if he does, then the war can truly end.

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