You're Not Leaving Me

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Juvamoon, this felt too long... And I'm thinking of another thing... Hope you still like it.


PJ sighed lowly as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone while his new girlfriend rambled on and on about something stupid.

He actually didn't like her, but the sex was good, so he was fine with staying her... For now.

"Are you even listening to me!" She howled in that over the top voice of hers.

The dark ink skeleton rolled his eyes as he finally looked up at her. Her blue, furred face was turning an almost purple from how angry she looked.

The jock decided to get it straight with her, he had enough of her bossy, whiny attitude.

"No. Now leave me alone, we're over."

The girl gave a high pitched screeched that had everyone stop what they were doing in the classroom to look at the banshee.

"How dare you break up with me! I'm going to be your wife!" She screamed.

The dark colored jock rose an eyebrow and said nothing. Everyone knew that wasn't true... After all, he never keeps a girlfriend for more than two months, maybe three if they're lucky.

Soon, her screaming and yelling turned into pleas and sobs, begging him to stay with her.

"Go away, Banshee. You're more annoying than my cousin." J finally snarled at her, causing her to flinch back.

Finally, she stood up, tears falling down her face which completely ruined her heavy makeup, and ran out of the room sobbing loudly.

The class remained silent, to which the jock didn't care, going back to his phone to do whatever he was doing previously.

The bell rang shortly after, to which the other students basically ran out of that room, just to get away from the Heartbreaker.

PJ didn't care about any of them, he just found those people stupid and pathetic. Like seriously, everyone in the school knows he only dates a girl to have sex with her! Or if they're a skeleton to have sex with their female bodies! And they still fall for his tricks!

How desperate do you have to be to fall for a heartbreaker?

Moving to his next class, he sat next to his group of friends, all of them something else.

Undyne, a blue fish monster, was the school's biggest Bully. She may have been a girl, but she probably could out match any armed and trained military person.

Next was BP, an orange tom, who was known for being both the drug dealer and a drug user.

After him was SG or Skater Girl, a purple octopus monster. She was the daredevil of the group and actually loved challenges of any kind.

Then there was PJ, an ink skeleton, who has nearly broken every girl's heart. He hadn't broken SG nor Undyne's hearts, mainly because they don't swing his way and he doesn't want to even think of having sex with them! They're actually his buddies too, like hell would he sleep with them!

The classroom was full of buzz, mainly about how the popular jock had once again broken a poor girl's heart. Yeah, whatever.

Soon, the bell rings again and the science teacher comes in. He's a mostly lazy skeleton, but he was rather chilled and funny.

"Alright, Kiddos," The calm skeleton stated, looking down at a clip board he was holding. "Today and for the next three months, we're doing a protect on what we had learned this semester." He sighed out, looking up at the crowd of teenagers. "And I'll be picking partners since I don't want anyone one person doing work. I'll hand out a sheet that has everything explained on it."

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