I Trusted You

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I couldn't help myself. I had to fall for him. I had to go against my mother's wishes. I had to talk with him. I had to trust him more than anything... Why was I so blind...

He had said that he loved me... He had treated me with respect, cared for me when I was deeply hurt, made me feel special even though there were thousands of me.

He was what I longed to see and have, but no... It wasn't to be...

I remember all of our laughter, all of our fights. I remember every single detail of them, noticing how every time he saw me... He was tense, his words were almost forced...

Still, those memories were filled with love, happiness and truth... I remember that night... The night I confessed... The night when he took me in his hold and showed me he felt the same...

I remember all of it... I loved every second of those memories... But now...

Now as I remember them again, tears streaming down my face, I hated them... I wanted them to drown, to be burned away! To burn just like my wings... To go up in the flames that surround me as he stared at me. His lips twisted in a sinful smile.

"W-Why? W-Why a-are yo-you do-doing this to me?" I cried out, choking on my sobs of despair.

The pale monster in front of me laughed cruelly as he only shook his head.

"You know, for a demon, you're really naïve and innocent. Too bad that you're just as corrupted as all the other's of your kind." The person I thought loved me sneered, their great, white wings giving a harsh flap of wind.

The gust of wind made the fire die a bit, but it came back... It was worse now... It hurt more now.

More tears fell from my eyes, I didn't know why he was doing this, or why he was hurting me... 

"P-Please! W-Why are y-you doing this t-to me?! I-I tho-thought you loved me." I sobbed, my wings weakly lifting themselves as the fire became like bricks on them.

The monster laughed at me and my helpless state. His once gorgeous eyes now were cruel and cold.

"Because a demon can never love. Why would any angel love something as horrid as you? Something as corrupted as you? Besides, you're no longer useful for me or my King." He snickered, his words colder and more cruel than any part of Hell.

His words broke me... They tore my heart and love for him in millions and millions of pieces... His words were what made me cry out, not in angry or agony... But in heartbreak as the truth of it all fell from his mouth.

"I trusted you!" I screamed and cried, my weak body tugging at the angelic chains. "I trusted you, damnit!"

The tears were never ending, not even as my knees buckled and I fell to the heated floor, not as I begged him to let me go.

"Why should I let something as pathetic and weak, like you go?" He sneered, laughter behind his words and voice.

I gasped for air as the smoke clogged my lungs, as the pain of the fire's licking at me and my wings scurried through me. I gasped as the sobs no longer were there, as the heartbreak agony faded into numbness.

"And they say..." I croaked out, just barely being heard above the cackling of the fire. "And the humans say that Angels are the purest and kindest creature to have walked the Earth..." I finished, my wings and limbs gaining enough energy to launch me in the air. The chains that held me glowed a harsh red, shattered instantly when I was beyond the calm fingers of the blazing fire.

I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care... He would not follow me... I was near Death as it was... And that was what saddened me the most...

How could he have done that? Playing with my heart and soul like it was a toy, like it was some sort of game... And the funny thing is... He's the angel... He's suppose to be the good guy... Yet, he wasn't... He hurt me because I was stupid enough to have fallen in love with him...

The air whizzed passed me as I let my wings fall. I couldn't live... I didn't want to fight Death no longer...

The tears fell from me as the branches from the trees snapped and cut me more. One of them even ripped off my fragile, broken wings as they snared on them.

I gave no cry of hurt as I let myself slip closer and closer to the awaiting darkness of Death. I didn't mind that it was going to be painful, horribly painful, but... I just wanted to die... To be free of the guilt, the heartbreak, the never ending ache of betrayal that laid in my heart.

Then, I heard a harsh crunch sound and I forgot... I forgot everything...

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