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I honestly don't know what I was doing... I still don't... I haven't watched Pokémon in years... I'm not really into it either... I hope it's still good... Sorry for anything cringy... 


Paperjam skipped around, humming to himself. He was a traveler, but he wasn't hunting for Pokémon.  He actually was fine with the two he has!

"Hey!" A voice shouted, it sounded like it was coming from an alley...

Looking down it, the child saw a tan man cornered by some street thugs. These thugs steal Pokémon from unfocused players. Which gets under PJ's skin.

"What do you boys want?" The player didn't even look fazed! 

The dark skinned child was confused, so he stayed hidden, watching the fray. He wondered what the strange man would do... 

"Scolipede, use Poison Point." The man muttered, leaning against a wall as a Scolipede flew out of the shadows and attacked the other humans. 

They didn't stand a chance as the bug Pokémon paralyzed them. The man nodded and pulled out the creature's Pokéball. They became light and disappeared inside the roomy ball.

The young kid slowly stepped out, the strange man turning to him. He opened his mouth to speak but instead winced. 

The boy knew how it looked, the taller male standing over paralyzed people, having used his Pokémon to attack them... Which happens to be against the law unless it's in a fight with other Pokémon, or if it is to defend one's self.

"I saw everything, Mister... Do you want me to get you some lunch?" The dark child asked, giving a sweet smile.

The man raised an eyebrow, but nodded. He was kind of hungry... Though he didn't want to take advantage of the kid!

"No, it's fine..." He told them, walking pass them.

Paper huffed, and grabbed the older man's hand, tugging him in the direction of a small ramen shop.

"Nope! We're going out for lunch!" The kid chirped, smiling up at the bigger male.

"Well then... My name's Fresh." The tanned male told, deciding that it was better not to fight the younger.

"Paperjam, Mr. Fresh!" The younger giggled sweetly, skipping long side of the older male.

The two walked into the small ramen shop quietly, being greeted with hellos and greetings.

"Jam!" A woman with black called out, pulling the kid into a tight hug.

"Hey, Aunt Chara!" The child smiled brightly, giggling softly.

Chara shook her head and put on a stern look. She really didn't seem to be happy about something.

"What has your mother told you about talking with strangers?" She held a stern look as her husband came up.

"Uncle Sans, Aunt Chara is being mean." The kid joked, getting a soft chuckle from his Uncle.

"Sweetie, come on, you know the kid's good at picking his friends. Besides they're here for ramen, not being interrogated." The very pale man laughed, smiling softly to his wife.

The woman huffed, but nodded. She knew this, but she feared that one day the young boy would get because of a 'friend'.

"Fine, but if he so much as looks at my little cousin wrong, I'm showing him what my family taught me!" She warned with a nod.

Paperjam laughed at his slightly crazy Aunt and pulled his new friend to a seat in the back.

"Sorry about Aunt CC. She grew up around a lot of bad people and doesn't really trust that easy." He told Fresh, trying to make it where the other skeleton wasn't going have to worry about his life... Hopefully...

"Oh... Can't blame her, you're like... What twelve?" The young Pokémon hunter asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm fourteen." The teen nodded, giggling at the end as Oreo set their food down.


"I know everyone's favorite order the moment they walk in." They told with a nod, a soft grin on their lips. "Besides, you usually order this when you're here." The very bland human left after that, talking with two twins.

"Wow... She's good." Fresh murmured, giving a nervous chuckle.

"Yup! She's the best of the best! Everybody likes her here!" The child laughed softly, completely oblivious to the young man's discomfort.

The two ate in silence... Silence that was heavy... Jam didn't like silence like this... So he spoke up...

"I like how you were able to use your Scolipede to defend yourself... How were you able to summon them without the badies knowing?" The mismatched eyes looked deep into the other's sunglasses.

"I had him summoned for a while... The guys had been following me for a few days, so I had my strongest Pokémon ready if they decided to attack me..." The man looked to the side, blushing a deep red at the child's intense eyes.

"Wow! I wouldn't have thought of that!" The kid chuckled at himself, still having a small smile on his lips.

Fresh laughed at the child. They were so innocent... So full of hope and care and love... He hopes that doesn't change...

"Well, that's fine. Not many people would think to do that. What Pokémon do you have?" The nice man asked, eating his warm food.

Paperjam felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at the stranger. They were kind and had a heart of gold... It felt weird... Mentally shaking it away, he thought on how he should respond...

"I only have two. Salazzle and Tentacruel. They're the only ones I really use..." He looked away, sort of embarrassed that he only had two.

"Hey, it's fine. I know some people who only have one and actually can kick someone butt!" The tan traveler told, patting the kid's head.

PJ laughed quietly, liking how the man was comforting him. It made his heart swell and beat quickly...

"Thank you, sir!" He tilted his head up a bit to look at the other. "What Pokémon do you have?" They were already on the topic, might as well as continue it.

"I mostly use my Scolipede and Ariados. Though I do have a Beedrill and a Heracross." Fresh gave a nonchalant shrug.

Jam gasped, eyes wide with his jaw dropped.

"So cool!" The kid gawked.

The tall male laughed, it coming out of no where... He just found it funny how the kid was... Their over excitement. 

"Hey, can I come with you when you leave?" The darker skinned boy asked, his head bowed. He hadn't touched his meal yet... "I like to travel around a lot... Mostly going into towns that I know I have some relatives... I was wondering if I can join you..." 

Fresh gave a small smile. He guessed the kid didn't like to stay in one area for too long... And that they don't like to be alone... 

"Sure. I wouldn't mind having you come with me." The young man patted the kid's head, getting a chuckle from the teen. 

They ate in silence, having nothing more to say, but nothing was wrong... They both were relaxed and everything seemed to be fitting alright.

By night fall, they went their separate ways for the night. They were going to meet up in the morning at the ramen shop. Things are about to go wild.

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