Gaming World pt3

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I slowly opened my eyes to this odd feeling of being extremely warm...

I looked around me once more. I was still in that cave, but there was a giant bonfire in the center, me being a bit close to it. I also was covered in thick, bull and ox fur.

I went to sit up, but some unknown pressure pulled me down, keeping me close to their warm chest.

Turning as best as I could, I started to blush. 

Mr. Jam had me pulled against his chest, his head only a few centimeters from mine, and he was shirtless...

I squeaked as he pulled me closer, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Jeez, I leave for a couple of hours to deal with more of you players and you two are getting it on." A harsh voice snapped, making my dark friend growl in the back of his throat.

I turned to the owner of the voice as best as I could with Jam holding me tightly against him. For a moment, me and the Demon meet eyes, or eyes and sunglasses.

He glared at me for a second, before rolling his red pinpricks.

"Name?" He grumbled, sitting down on a heavily moss covered chair.

"F-Freshy..." I whispered, subconsciously snuggling closer to my friend.

"I'm not going to hurt you. The names Red, by the way." He gave me a curt nod as he then turned his attention back to the dark boned skeleton. "When are you going to let the kid go?"

Swiftly I tilted my head up to see the ink monster had his eyes open with an annoyed glare in them.

"M-Mr. Jam!" I squeaked, my cheeks staining with that neon blue color.

He glanced down at me before closing his eyes again, nuzzling his head in my neck.

"Go back to sleep, we don't have to be up for two more hours." He grumbled, his arms keeping me close to him.

Red grumbled something to himself, which instantly got him a knock upside his head by a shadow figure.

"Shut up." The sleepy creature hissed, his voice groggy.

I closed my eyes and let myself relax as the Demon Class player walked into a separate room. It wasn't that he was making me uncomfortable, it was just that... I don't know... It was like I was expecting them to fight, to try and rip each other's throats out...

Sighing, I let myself go back to sleep, my body was still sore...

I yawned quietly as I sat up, this time nothing keeping me down. Looking around, I saw that I wasn't in the main part of the cave, but a more homie part of it.

The small cavern that I was in, had an actual bed made out of what could've been phoenix feathers, silk and soft Elven cotton. The bedpost seemed to have been made out of Dragon Tree wood, wood so strong that only the King of Dragons can break it. The bedsheets were this mahogany red with beautifully detail medallion yellow swirls. The pillow were a pale shade of lemon with little accents of cream white. The cold floor was carpeted with pecan brown fur. There was a large chair that was a parchment white lined with a deep gold design.

The room looked so gorgeous, specially with the glowing crystals above my head, giving the room a calm lighting.

"Oh, you're awake!" Jam called out, making me jump a bit.

I stared at him wide eyed as he gawk at me. 

"Y-you scared me." I tried to laugh off, but something didn't feel right.

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