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Paperjam's POV

I hummed a little as I skipped to school. Unlike many others that I knew, I liked going to school. I liked school for a few things!

One of them being that I get to see my friends! Another is that I get to do my favorite subjects, like Art and Music! The last one being is that I get to see Senpai~

I love Senpai with all of my heart... I just can't get him out of my head! He's just so kind, cute, funny, and so smart~ He was given the opportunity to skip a few grades, but nope! He wanted to stay where he was! 

Yes, I know some people say don't idealize the people you admire, but I can't help it! I just can't stop seeing everything he does! Even if he gets in trouble, I find it funny... I know that no person is always a good person, and I'm okay with that... Since I know it a little too personally.

I want Senpai to be mine and only mine... So I kill any girl or guy that has been trying to woo him! I know, that's bad, but I don't care! I love it!

I love the thrill it gives me! Their screams as they watch an innocent looking monster kill them~. Stabbing them, cutting off their fingers and other body part~ Hanging them~ Beating them and making it seem like bullying~ I plan everyone's death's out perfectly, all just to make sure that Senpai is mine!

I shook my head as I neared the gates of the school. I couldn't help but to smile more as I see him there~ Waiting for me as always~

"Fresh!" I yelled out, running to meet him.

"Hey, Jam-Jam." His voice was like velvet... So deep and yet so soothing to listen to~

"Where's Red?" I asked, pretending to not know where he was. 

"Oh... He jumped yesterday... His body was found by some student in the gardening club..." He sighed, looking off to the side, his glasses blank. 

I gasped and stepped back, my eyes filling up with tears. Of course, they were just fake. 

"B-But... W-why? H-He w-was... H-He w-was..." I made my voice shake and quiver as the tears slipped out of my eye sockets. 

Fresh sighed and nodded, knowing what I was trying to say. He opened his arms to which I buried myself into, 'crying'. 

My senpai cooed calming things to me, making me feel happier! He cares so much about me~ He won't even see me as the crazy killer I am~

"W-We shouldn't f-feel too b-bad... R-right? M-Maybe t-that's w-what... H-he would've w-wanted." I whimpered out, acting like I actually cared about him. 

"Yeah... He did say how much he'd hate seeing us cry over his dead body..." My Fresh joked.

I gave a choked laugh and nodded, pulling myself away from the so beautiful hug. I reached my hands up to wipe away the tears, but Fresh beats me to it. He stares me in the eyes as he cleans away my tears. 

My face heats up in embarrassment and love. To hide it, I bow my head. I can't let him see that!

My love laughed a little and hugged me again. I melted into it, loving how much attention he was giving me.

"W-We should head t-to class..." I muttered lowly, begrudingly pulling away from the hug. 


For the rest of the day, nothing new happened... Minus that two pesky human girls kept trying to get my Senpai to go to their homes. I knew what they were trying to do, but I pretended not to, just to get them angry.

"Fresh, what are they talking about?" I asked, looking up at them with confusion. I was rather small, only being 5' 5". 

"Nothing, Jamster. Sorry, but no. That's final." His voice deepened even more, making him sound so handsome~

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