Child of Heroes

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"Mommy! I'm home!" A small skeleton shouted up stairs.

No answer, just as the monster had expected. His parents never were really around the house when he got home. Not that he blames them, they are superheroes! And when ever they could, they always had a family night out! Whether it be a dinner and a movie or going to the beach!

Its just... He wished they weren't busy all the time.

"Jammy? We're home!"

Jammy smiled widely as this was the first time they were home early! He raced to them, bringing them both into a big hug!

They laughed a little, but didn't really complain since they say that he has hapehphobia, or something like that. Ink says that its not as bad as Error's, but PJ didn't get what he meant.

"Can we go to the park?" His eyes filled with hope that they could do something as a family.

The starry eyed 'Mother' skeleton giggled at his child's behavior. Though, he didn't mind a singal bit.

"Sure. I'll go and make us some snacks while you finish your homework."

Paperjam nodded his head, hurrying to get to the park. He loved going there since he had a little bit of an art side from his demigod of a mother.

Ink and Error were gods, well Error was a full god while Ink was the demigod. The two once were enemies that always fought. Error was the First God of Destruction. So it would make some sense that he would be trying to kill the world.

Thankfully, he fell in love with Ink and now their the best Superheroes in the entire world!

"Aahh!" A scream broke the beautiful silence of the house. It came from up stairs...

Paper's breath caught in his throat. He knew what to do, but his body wouldn't move! The sound of rushed footsteps made him jolt into action.

His parents always told him to hide if there ever was a scream in the house. They also told him to not come out until they say so.

Paperjam hid in the ceiling, it being easy as he was literally ink.

The footsteps stopped at his door for a second. Then something busted it down!

Even though he wanted to whimper, Jammy kept quiet, even more quiet than a mouse. His blue-yellow eyes watched as the shadow being rampaged his room.

"Nightmare, we checked every room down here. Whoever was with them left a while ago." A skeleton crying black tears told the shadow.

It growled, throwing a fist into my wall.

"Come on, we need to get those two traitors to the other." With no more noise, they all left.

For an hour the child stayed hidden, making sure that the villains were really gone.

Slowly he fell to the floor and reformed into his skeleton form. It felt weird being as a puddle any way. Slowly, he made it around his house. Nothing was stolen only broken or misplaced.

"Their... Their gone..." Tears brimmed the child's eyes as he thought of his parents.

Suddenly, the alarm went off in the house. Two really. The criminal alarm and the barrier one.

He groaned. With his parents kidnapped, the over powered monsters would get out of hand! Not even Berry, Dream, or Sans would be able to stop them!


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