The Rocker

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"Come on, Fresh! We might miss the flight!" A yellow hybrid between a lizard and dinosaur shouted. 

A white skeleton laughed as he pulled on his shirt. It was pitch black with paint splattered to make it look like there were wings on it. Underneath it was the name of the band. 

Rebel Angels. 

"I'm coming!" The skeleton yelled back, grabbing his bag. It was only  a weekend get a way. Just to get from all the trouble at home. 

The two nerds drove to the airport, getting on their plane at the last minute. The two monsters couldn't stop giggling. This was their first time going to an actual concert! They were always too nervous to do so.

"I can't believe we're doing this." He hissed, messing with his YO_LO glasses. 

Fresh was self-conscious about his eyes as one of them has his soul. That and not a lot of people like to see his eyes. 

"I know." The dino-lizard squealed quietly. 

After an hour or two of flying they reached the town that was housing their favorite  band. They got a cab and went to a cheap hotel. 

"w-We'll like t-to rent a-a room f-for two d-days." Alphys stuttered, feeling herself getting nervous.

The man at the counter nodded, typing something on his keyboard. 

"I only have one room left. Do you still want it?" The human looked down at the monsters. 

"Yes, how much?" Fresh pulled out his wallet, looking for a hundred or so dollars. 

"For one night it's twenty-five dollars with the room you got... So I'd say fifty would be good." The man shrugged, not caring. 

Fresh brightened at how cheap it was, so he handed the fifty dollars over to the man. He raised an eyebrow at them, noticing the shirt that the skeleton was wearing.

"You're here for the Rebels? Nice band actually..." 

"Ah-huh! We're just having a weekend get away." Fresh nodded, his smile bright. 

The man shrugged again, taking the money and giving them a small instructions to room ten. The room was small with one bed and a tiny couch. The two didn't care, they just needed a small place to sleep for the night.

"Okay, so the concert is in another hour or two. Lets head over there now so we can get a good view of the band." 

The two laughed as they headed over there. It was empty as most people were coming later that day. 

"What are you looking at, Alph?" The skeleton looked over his friend's shoulder to see that she was adding photos of Undyne to her gallery. "Oo! Someone has a crush." He teased, taking her phone. 

The yellow monster blushed a dark red, making her face look like a traffic cone. 

"G-give that b-back!" She said chasing the male skeleton around the open field. 

Fresh dashed around, laughing as his friends tried to keep up. He was used to running fast, as he was always riding his skateboard. He actually can go even fast than a speeding car on his skateboard! 

The problem with this was that he was going so fast, that he rammed into someone. The two people were a tangle of limbs. The taller one was able to untangle himself first, pulling his hood back on. 

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying any attention!" Fresh apologized profusely, his YO_LO glasses changing to SR_RY. 

"Hey, it was an accident... It's no problem." The stranger raised their hands as if to say they were surrendering. 

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