New Home pt3

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I rushed around, my mind going into a frenzy... I had wanted to do it... I had to do it!

"PJ... Are you sure?" Geno asked, looking at me as I got the last bit of the ingredients. 

"Yes." I was determined to give them a real life.

The two cats looked at us with confusion... Clearly not understanding what we were doing...

Geno sighed, looking down at the old pot. He glanced back at the ingredients and grabbed a knife. He sighed and started cutting everything up.

I rushed to my room and yanked a box off the top shelf in my closet. The box was more like a small wooden crate. It was old and the wood was almost rotten, but I knew that was what it looked liked on the outside... Besides, the original container was stolen by Unfresh and we still have to sneak into their house to get it back...

I hurried out of my room and ripped open the stupid old thing.

"What one?" I looked through everything that was in the stupid thing.

There were jars of eyes from skeletons, goats, goats on two legs, even humans! There also were glass bottles of some sort of liquid that I wasn't going to attempt to figure out. After the jars and bottles of bizarre things, there were thick, tombstone books. Some spoke of Death as a friend and how he could take any form he wanted, though there also was things thing called a parasite that infects everyone they meet with fake promises. Others talk of life, most talk of balance and ancient spells that are hard to make nowadays.

"Book four, page three hundred sixty. Grey." Geno snapped quickly, adding the ingredients in one at a time.

I snatched the fourth deep grey book from the small box and flipped to the page. It was a transfiguration spell. More importantly, it's about how to change cats into humans.

"Remember, focus and don't make a mistake." My mentor growled, his one eye glaring at me.

I only nodded as I study the words with care. I couldn't make a single mistake! I if did.... I wouldn't just kill Fresh and Reaper... But me and Geno as well...

I took a deep breath as I recited it... word for word... 

"Pelo poder do teu mundo, deixa que isto seja conhecido... Deixe que isto seja visto... Deixe os que têm protegido e prejudicado ninguém ser um conosco. Deixe-os ser como nós... Deixe-os ser homem do que gato." When I had finished the cats still looked the same, but I knew not to give up home. (By the power of thy World, let this be known... Let this be seen... Let the ones that have protected and harmed none be one with us. Let them be like us... Let them be man than cat.)

I closed the book as the one eyed male took a deep breath in relief.

"Okay, the soup should be done in a half hour. I want you to get cleaned up, we're going out for a bit." The warlock told, lightly stirring the meal.

I nodded, feeling light headed. This always happened when we used too much power... But hey, it's restraint at least...

"And get some sleep. I don't want you passing out on me again." The more wised warlock told, glancing at me.

I nodded as I staggered back to my room with the box.

I pushed it up onto the shelf as my cat looked at me confused and worried... This would be the second time he saw me like this... So I guess I can't blame him... He's very loyal... He's very kind...

"Don't worry... a little nap can cure me." I gave him a gentle smile, petting him on top of his head.

The colored cat gave a soft purr, leaning into the loving. I yawned again, laying down on my bed. I was out in an instant.

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