The Last Person

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A young male huffed as he looked up at the bleating sun. It's been about a three years since he became the last person on Earth. He didn't know what happened, just that everyone was gone.

The internet was done, so he didn't know how to contact his friends on the other side of the world, but he was able to learn how to use a truck radio and singled for anyone. Three days passed and no one tried to contact back.

He waited for a week, occasionally going out for supplies, but soon came to realize that he truly was alone... 

"Stop thinking about that." The pale boned monster hissed at himself as he trudged underneath the hot sun. "Just move." He grunted out, wiping the building sweat from his forehead.

After some hours passed, he fell beneath a shaded tree, enjoying the coolness it gave off.

Sitting up, the skeleton male took off his jacket and scarf, the two items of his parents, and pulled out some slightly heated water.

Gulping a bit of the stilled air, the monster took a sip of the cooling beverage. It was calming, to say the least. The silence flooding the large, opened area as the distant noises of animals talking and communicating with each other, even the distant outline of the faint cities and towns that the young male had left behind or was going to.

Yeah, when he first was alone, it was freaky. In fact, he was only tense, unable to stop himself from feeling like he was about to be attacked at every possible turn even though the animals had never really done anything like that. Yet, like everything, he got used to it and he started to enjoy it...

Don't get me wrong! He misses his mother's warm kisses and his father's sarcastic remarks, but he likes being alone... It was better than being in a crowd full of people that only snickered, sneered, laughed, mocked, and teased him for being himself, for being gay. The ironic part was that some of the gay students even did it to, the difference being they were human and he a skeleton monster that could change his genders when he so pleased.

Closing his eyes, he let the tranquility wash over him like a tidal wave. Right now he was heading off to Springville County. That place was known for it's wide variety of fruits and vegetables, that and it's more than likely a hot spot for some fresh water and animal meats. 

A few minutes passed before he stood up and started walking again. He really didn't want to move around too much, but he still needed to move with the animals and try to find some more food. He was only lucky enough that he paid attention to his Geography teacher on how to navigate a map.

For the next two days of his endless traveling, he had to hunt down small rabbits that were starting to come into the cities, and collect more water supplies from whatever he could find drinkable. It honestly was harder than it sounded, running around, out smarting the little pets, and trying to find clean water that mold, moss or other bacteria haven't gotten to yet. It wasn't any type of picnic.

After those days passed, he entered the edge of the silent town. 

True to it's name, the place looked like Spring had came late, the trees starting to bloom, the grass a dark, lush color as he walked over the over grown weeds.

He sighed quietly as he stared around the dead town. A pang went off in his soul at the sight... Yes, he's had three years to get used to the silence of the world, but not the sight... The sight was much harder to get over...

Shaking slightly, he started walking further in the ghost town. The shops were still full of either rotting or half eaten food, or unused and unneeded items.

The pale monster held his head down, keeping his ears peeled, not wanting to see the unsettling sight... Where had everyone gone? Was everyone dead? Was there a silent disease that killed everyone but him? And if he was the only survivor, then why? What had he done to deserve such a treatment?

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