Living World pt3

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I winced when I woke up, a heavy feeling in my stomach... I didn't like it...

A whimper came from me as my body started heating up, it feeling like a thousand Suns were being forced down on my body.

The loose tentacles that laid on me tightened some, rubbing my belly.

It felt horrible... It hurt so much...

"Fresh..." I whined, tears lightly falling from my face. "I-It hurts..."

The remaining tentacles went to my face, lightly nudging me.

For a moment the pain subsided, making me relax a bit. I took a deep breath and slowly sat up.

The limbs that were wrapped around me untangled themselves quickly, backing off slightly. I whined when they left me, letting me become cold!

I wrapped my arms around my belly again, slight pins and needles forming from there.

Gulping lightly, I pulled my shirt up... Nothing.

"What..." Nothing looked wrong with my stomach, other than that it was formed... "Wait..." My eyes narrowed more, looking harder at my echo body. It was... It looked pinker?

Before I could question it, sharp, killer pain erupted from the ecto! It felt like knives were being pushed into it! Or that one time I accidently drank one of Sci's random experiments!

The pain hurt so much, I fell backwards onto Fresh's tentacles!

"Make it stop! Please! It hurts!" I sobbed, turning onto my side. I wanted it to stop!

The tentacles once again were wrapped around me, rubbing and caressing my belly again. A few though massaged my body and even gave what I could only describe as encouraging flicks on my cheeks.

"P-Please..." I whispered, curling into myself more.

I guess Fresh didn't like that as they forced me back into the position I was in before. It stung a little as they were a bit rough, but it wasn't like it did anything to the pain I was feeling now...

Whimpering and giving a few more whines, I stayed as still as I could... The pain intensived when I move...

Then, like the first night I was taken, music filled the tunnel. It was a different music piece, but it was lovely... It was peaceful and gentle... So soothing and calming...

The pain lessened and my body once again relaxed slowly, my lips pulled into a small smile. Fresh was doing this...

Their extra limbs didn't let me go or stop what they were doing, but... I didn't really mind, it made my body go limp with calmness.

A quiet yawn left my mouth, me nuzzling the tentacles underneath me. The bowl like structure shook a bit out of what I could only assumed was suppressed shock.

It didn't matter to me, I was growing tired... And I was warm, comfortable and no longer in agonizing pain... It couldn't really get better than that... Well, expect for Mom to find me, which she will. After all, she's the best Space Piolet anyone has ever seen in all fifty-nine sectors!

Another yawn escaped me, which I lightly concealed with the back of my hand.

Carefully, I turned on my back and stretched, then I turned on my other side. I lightly curled up, but kept enough room for the moving limbs to wrap around whenever they want to... It seems to be their favorite thing to do...

Then I was out like a light.

I was awoken when I noticed that I was being held and was in a standing like position.

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