Kidnapped pt2

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I like this... I think all of you will too.. hehe...

Paperjam woke up in the early morning, just like always. His mismatched eyes could see through the dark even though it was pitch black.

He saw that the place he was in was wooden with a few things. There was a bedside table with a glass jar on it. There also were several shelves holding way too many books! There also was a small coffee table and the bed he was sleeping on with his new kidnapper. 

He gave a quiet huff as he carefully stretched. He placed his hands on the wall above him and, using only the strength in his arms, he lifted himself up. He jumped to the other side of the sleeping parasite, landing softly on the ground with a quiet thump. 

Paper stayed still, waiting for any movement. When there was none, he left. He couldn't careless about that thing! 

He silently kept to the trees, hopping from one to the another when needed. His instincts told him not to go on the ground. He listened to this instinct and continued to ran on the trees like some anime ninja or something. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something move. His breath hitched as he saw the tattered orange shorts. Yeah, hell no! He ran even quicker, but somehow wasn't quick enough. 

Fresh had grabbed him, sending them both to the ground. Instead of letting the smaller one take the blunt of the force, the parasite turned over, letting his back hit the ground. He groaned at the sharp pain that went through him as the kid scrambled off of him. 

"H-How... STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Paperjam felt tears sting his eyes as he backed up. He wanted to leave! 

The white skeleton sat up, rubbing his back. It did hurt on the angle that he fell at. 

"Ah, come on, little one. You're not nearly fast enough to out run me." He purred out, zipping behind the child who went limp again. 

It wasn't dead limp, but it still was limp enough. The king lifted him up and held him with care. He didn't want to hurt the small one... He was too interesting. 

"Now, I'm wondering how you got over me without waking up." 

Paperjam looked away, not answering. Only the sound of someone chuckling made him look up at the taller one. He had a kind, handsome smile on, making the child blush lightly. In response to himself blushing, he buried deep into his scarf. 

"Aren't you adorable~" The killer cooed, nuzzling the top of the young one's head. 

"... I'm used to escaping..." He whispered, looking down at his hands. 

"Hm... Can't blame you... That radhole was very sly." The parasite walked away from the spot. They were close to one of the camps. He should tell some of his people to get rid of them. 

"You knew him?" The way that Paperjam had asked it was cautious, but also angry. 

"I taught him somethings... But not the way he is now... I thought I had killed him centuries ago..." 

Fresh kept rubbing soothing circles on the back of Jammy's head, trying to keep him calm. He really didn't want to see that fiasco again. 

"You were the one to give him that scar?" 

"What scar?" He stopped looking down at the small monster in his arms. 

Their eye, instead of being in a form of a circle, was a bright yellow star. The star seemed to be memorized by the sight of the parasite's eyes. 

"What scar?" The royal asked again, his face heating slightly. 

"T-The scar going from his eye to his hip." The dark skeleton made the motion from his left eye, where Unfresh's soul was, to the hip below it. 

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