Crazy Doctor

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I whimpered and whined as I felt myself being dragged into an abandon hospital. Mommy said never to go near it unless necessary, but the humans want me in it! It was dark, old, creepy, and looked almost like it was going to fall down soon! I didn't want to go in it!

"L-Let m-me go! P-Please!" I shouted, squirming in their tight hold.  

The mean human growled as they throw me into a wall! The force cracked my skull, but it wasn't enough to do any real damage. 

I gasped for air, my vision swimming before my eyes. It was like I was seeing double...

"Oh no, you're hurt." They mocked as they kicked me in my ribs. Instantly a few of them cracked since they hadn't full healed from earlier. 

"S-Stop! P-Please!" I sobbed, curling into a ball as the bullies kept hurting me. 

One broke my leg and another somehow strained my arm... Everything was in so much pain...

I whimpered and whined when they forced me to stand continue to walk... I just felt pain... Still I didn't fight...

I tried to focus on where we were going, but... I couldn't... The pain was too much...

I collapsed onto a dirty, tiled floor. I couldn't stand... Breathing was a challenge... My leg felt like it was shattered... Thinking was becoming hard as I stayed on the dirty floor, coughing up blood and magic. 

"Get up!" A faint voice shouted, a rough kick to my head. 

I felt it crack more, but the pain was starting to become numb. I stayed on the floor as screams faded into nothing. The last thing I could remember was being picked up with gentle hands and someone saying, "I'll see you now." 

Maybe... This is what death is like...

I woke to being on something soft... Like it was so soft that I'd never want to move or wake up again! 

Still, I forced my eyes to open up. The room I was in was small, but cozy... It was like a small hospital room... Only the walls were made of bricks than wood or drywall. The floor was clean wood than white tile too... The room also wasn't too cold, it was actually nice...

The bed I was in looked like a regular bed, but on the wooden bed side table there was a remote for the bed, to move it up or down. I saw that my broken leg was hanging up from the ceiling, it was in a cast as well. 

Looking at myself, I saw my sprained arm was in one of those things that help keeping you from spraining your arm worse. Raising my not hurt arm, I felt my head. I had some bandages wrapped around it...

Slowly, I tried to sit up, but immediately regretted it as I cried out in pain! It felt like someone stabbed me several times! Trying to make me dust! 

I carefully fell back onto the bed, whimpering quietly. The door to the room, something I didn't notice, opened quickly to someone in a doctor's jacket. 

They hurried over to me, their eyes covered by sunglasses. The room wasn't very bright, but I guessed they might have a rare eye condition...

"Are you okay? I heard you shout." The white skeleton swiftly told me, their voice soft and soothing, it alone making the pain in my body numb.

"I-I just t-tried to s-sit up..." I whispered, worried of what they would say.

"Take it easy... Those bullies did a number on you... You're lucky that I was able to get there in time..." He murmured, grabbing the remote and slowly pressed the up button. 

I winced slightly in pain, but it was better than before. 

"T-Thank you, M-Mister." I muttered, looking down at my hands. 

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