Spider's Web pt4

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Jam laid on the mess of warm and soft blankets, relaxing from earlier.

The dark skinned human shifted softly, his body still sore from when Fresh had abused it with his mouth and hands in the most blissful ways possible.

Actually, the Drider had been doing that more often really. After healing from the leg wound, the large hybrid had been treating the young adult like a child, but at the same time he would pleasure the younger in ways he didn't know were possible!

All of the attention, all of love that was given to him, it was like a drug he couldn't get enough of. His mind slowly was forgetting the fear he should've been feeling, his mind slowly forgetting the death of his bullies, his mind forgetting even the accident that had made him an orphan. But he loved it... All of the dark, tainted memories were vanishing, and instead, he only remember Fresh... He remember Fresh always being there...

"Did I go too rough again?" The broad creature question, gently picking up the still tired human.

Paperjam just shook his head as he smiled, his body shaking with the memory of earlier.

"No... I loved it, Freshy." The smaller snuggled his nearly naked body closer to his capturer's cool one.

His words made the hybrid smirk to himself, his eyes glowing with that dark desire as they always would when the younger wasn't paying attention.

His plan was working, Paper was forgetting of those scums that had left and hurt him. The human soon won't remember a time without the Drider, wanting him to be around... No, needing Fresh to be around!

Ah, the thought was just so blissful and wonderful! It was only then that the taller could completely claim the younger as his and his alone.

Setting the younger on the large couch, Fresh pulled a baggy shirt on his mate. Even if no one was to find them, he didn't want the little one to become sick.

"Mr. Fresh, when will you make me yours?" The black haired male tilted his head to the side, his cheeks blushing a deep hue.

The question had at first startled the immortal being, but soon his lips pulled into a large, deathly smile, a smile that the love-sick human found attractive.

"When you forget everything, other than me~" The spider being murmured, holding his Paperjam's cheek.

The human frowned, nuzzling the hand.

He didn't want to forget everything... He wanted to remember his kind, artistic mother and his gentle, stern father... He just couldn't remember why he was alone... He knew in his heart they didn't abandon him, they loved him too much... But, he kept feeling this pang of grief anytime he thought of them too deep...

"But I don't want to forget Mother and Father... They were the only kind people before you saved me..." The young male murmured, his voice soft and quiet, fading the more he talked. He oddly felt guilty and unsure of his own words.

Fresh only smiled and placed a loving kiss on the other's lips.

"No, you don't want to remember them. The way they left you isn't what you want to remember them as, even though they were there for you, you don't need to remember them... Remembering them would only lead you to being hurt once more..."

The heterochromatic eyes of the human held sadness, the thought of forgetting his parents weighing on him.

"I-I will try..." Came a whispered answer. An answer that pleased the old creature.

"Good... Don't worry, you'll be much happier without the memories of them."

The possessive monster pulled his little human close to him once again, turning on the TV to play a movie he had his minions steal.

The warm being curled next to the other, a calming silence settled between them as the action movie played out.

Soon, Fresh decided to have a little more fun with his small human~

The human gasped as his eyes widen with shock. Soon, that shock faded as the blissful pleasure settled into his body.

He tilted his bed back, onto his lover's wide chest, basking in the wonderful pleasure that the taller was giving him.

"Fresh~" The moan was soft, pleading almost. Yet, the Drider loved it.

His magenta glowed with horrid glee as he lowered his mouth to the hickey covered neck of his mate.

His mouth latched onto the darkest of the bruises, lightly brushing his teeth against it.

Jam gasped as his eyes scrunched closed, turning his head to give the beast more access. He couldn't stop what was happening to him. It became so natural for this to happen anywhere at anytime that... Well, he stopped fighting it. He actually doesn't even remember why he fought it in the first place.

Maybe it was because every time Fresh had his fun with the dark human, he forgot small things from his past. Yet... All the hybrid was doing was helping Paperjam remember the good memories... Letting the important ones be the ones that are remembered over all others.

Fresh was just helping.

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