Double the Trouble pt2

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It was getting late and Fresh was getting really tired.

For hours the three of them had looked through the twin's notes. They decided to go with something that could easily be made into a model, but with a more or less complicated history.

"Are you alright, Sugar?" The basketball twin asked, his gentle eyes taking in the tired looks.

The nerd nodded slowly, raising his hand to rub his eyes under her dark glasses. They were actually almost done... With part one of three.

"Hey, why don't we drive you home, Darling?" The other whispered, giving the smaller a gentle squeeze.

The plaid wearing skeleton nodded, too tired to really say anything. Now, normally he'd be completely passed out, but because he didn't trust these two nor the environment where he was, he basically wasn't going to go to sleep soon.

Cut released the little one, allowing him to clumsily grab his shoes and slip them on. Once the twins had their shoes on, PJ carried the exhausted smaller back to his car, laying him down in the back to get some sleep.

The car ride was silent and rather peaceful.

Cut glanced back a few times, most likely to make sure that the parasite wasn't doing anything stupid in their car while it was dark out. Well, at least that's what Fresh thought he was doing.

The longer the car ride went, the more exhausted the small skeleton felt. It honestly was getting hard to see anything, no less stay awake!

The meaner skeleton noticed what the pale skeleton was trying to do.

"He's trying to stay awake, J." He whispered lowly, it being too soft even for the experienced listener to hear.

"I know... Help him sleep." PJ nodded after that, neither of them wanted their parasite to be tired tomorrow and get in trouble... Plus, they want to prove themselves to him, prove that they were good monsters and they weren't going to hurt him.

The football player unbuckled himself and easily hopped in the back, where he unbuckled their guest and pulled them closer.

"Darling, you need your sleep."

Fresh sighed, giving up. If he was going to get hurt, at least he can sleep through it...

The dark twin watched happily as the small parasite passed out in his arms, finally giving in to what he needs.

"He's finally asleep..."

The twins momentarily looked at each other, their eyes holding peace and happiness. This was a good step... A very good step.

The house came up soon after that. It was a lonely house.

It had two simple floors, the house having vines and mold on it, a few shutters were missing and the lawn was overgrown and killing itself. The house just looked awful, needing some new paint and new windows from how badly weathered they were.

"We'll fix it for him." PJ told as he climbed out of the car, and opened the door closest to his brother.

Cut handed over the sleeping parasite, both of them being careful and gentle with the small nerd.

Swiftly they walked into the unlocked house. Normally, they would be worried about something like that, but seeing as the house looked bad on the outside, they doubt people would think anyone lived there... Or anyone worth robbing from.

The two walked up the stairs to the first room they saw, which luckily seemed to be Fresh's room as it was filled with brightly colored things, even a few 90's posters.

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