A Birthday To Never Forget

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"Paperjam!" A bright lime colored ball shouted, jumping onto the simple sized bed.

The young child jumped up, falling out of the bed and onto the messy floor, spilling some opened paint can.

The ink monster glared up at his brother, who was currently laughing.

"You jerk!" He screamed, collecting some paint in his hand. "You know better than to scare me!" The dark skeleton continued, throwing the paint at his brother.

The ball of multicolored paint slapped the lime colored skeleton to the ground on the other side of the simple bed.

"What's going on? Is everything okay, I heard screaming." A pale, short skeleton called out, his eyes wide with worry.

"We're fine." Huffed the younger, standing up.

"Why are you soaked?" The mother quirked an eyebrow, as he noticed that the other son had paint splattered all over his face. "Did you two get into a fight?" 

"No... Palette just scared me." Paperjam mumbled, collecting the rest of the paint in their original cans, absorbing the rest.

"Sorry, it's just that it's your birthday!" Palette smirked slightly as he wiped the paint off his face as he saw the shocked looked of his brother.

"My... Birthday?" He whispered, his eyes wide before a squeal left his lips, all remains of anger gone. "I'm finally fourteen!" He started jumping up and down, giggles flying past his lips.

"Well, I need to cancel your party since your room's such a mess." Ink smiled softly as he slowly started to walk away. "I'll check up on ya in ten minutes!" He called after as he made his way downstairs.

PJ didn't waste anytime! He kicked his annoying older brother out and started collecting all the clothes on the floor. Since most of them were dirty, he just tossed them in his mostly vacant hamper, then he grabbed his room's trashcan and started throwing crumbled sheets of paper, plastic cups, left overs of food that he forgot about and anything else that was trash in the can. After that, he picked up all his art supplies, putting them in their respective places. At this point the bedroom finally had a floor, which was good, though the carpet needed to vacuumed, which was down stairs.

Instead of wasting time going down the steps, the young teenager just teleported the thing into his room and quickly started vacuuming. Soon, his floor looked nice and well done. 

He then teleported the machinery back into it's place downstairs before taking off his old sheets and replacing them with cleaner ones. Quickly, he fluffed up the pillows and settled the stuffed dolls that his father makes him for his birthday/Christmas into comfortable places.

Then he turned his attention to the mess of his desk. Even though he had fixed some of it by putting the paintbrushes back into the large glass container which sat on top of the large, wooden L shaped table, and neatly stacking his notebooks in one of the drawers, while having the cans of paint standing back on the shelf in rainbow order; it still was a mess.

Paperjam grabbed the glass jar full of his paintbrushes and gently placed it next to the desk on the floor. He then dusted it off, making the dark wood lighten some. After that, he organized his pastels into their correct boxes again, before putting them in their own drawer, followed by color pencils.

Soon, the ten minutes were up and the room was the cleanest it had ever been in months! Ink was thoroughly impressed.

"Alright, looks like I don't have to cancel your party. Now hurry up and get ready! It'll start in two hours!" The artistic monster laughed to himself as he watched his young boy zoom into the washroom, only to come out for his clean towel and a pair of boxers.

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