If I Were A Zombie pt2

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FandomTrash1145 wanted some sin... so... There'll be some sinning... Ya know the kind I do, cringy sin! If ya don't want, then... Try and find an area to skip...


I growled lowly as I held the kid over my shoulder, anger flaring inside of me.

Freshy had tried to escape me again, this being his fourth time! Each time I had let him off easy, my soul wouldn't allow me to hurt him too much. But this time... I had to be stern.

"Stop escaping." I hissed as soon as I had placed him down on his makeshift bed.

He glared up at me, anger in his eyes.

"I want to explore, Mr. Jam. I understand that you don't want me to get hurt, but I won't! I'm not even going to leave the building, I promise!" He pleaded with me, his anger fading into tears and sadness.

I had to refrain myself from scooping them up and hugging them until they stopped crying. I had to be stern this time... Everyday, there's more and more hordes of zombies, each one bigger than the last.

Yes, it makes it easier to have a meal without going to far, but I didn't want the little one to get caught by one of those bastards.

"No. Too many hordes." I grumbled, forcing him to lay on his back.

His eyes widen as fear filled them. He instantly started to fight me as I tried to force his colorful scarf in his mouth to gag him.

In the end, I won, and had him on his stomach. The little child had summoned his echo body for me since he knew he would only get a worse punishment if he didn't. I pulled down his pants and underwear and bit my lip.

The sight of his magenta colored ass made me feel heated in the best ways possible, but I knew this wasn't the time to be turning into one of those lustful zombies.

I raised my hand and gave a soft hit. Freshy gave a quiet squeak, he jumping a bit. I rubbed the area, getting something else out of the young thing, something that I liked.

Shaking my head, I raised my hand again and gave him a harder smack to his round ass, he yelping out in pain. I repeated this process, going harder each time until I was to six.

His once pale magenta body was now a sore red color, tears freely flowing from his eyes as he gripped his blankets tightly.

"Have you learned?" I mumbled, pulling the scarf out of his mouth as I lightly massaged the tender skin.

"Y-Yes." He whimpered, looking at me with utter fear. I didn't like the fear in his eyes... I didn't mean to hurt him that badly...

"I'm sorry, Freshy... I don't want you to get caught by the hordes." I kissed the top of his skull as I continued to rub his sore hind.

After a while, the color began to lighten again. I glanced at Freshy, his face turning blue as he squirmed in my hold.

I chuckled, leaning down to where his ear should be.

"Becoming uncomfortable with what I'm doing?" I whispered, my tongue flicking out of my mouth and letting itself taste his sweet bones.

He shivered as he tried to shift away from me. I pulled him back on my lap, lightly yanking his pants up once again.

I placed him fully on my lap, his back on my chest, my arms trapping him close to me. He whimpered softly, shifting himself so he wouldn't be on his aching butt.

I nuzzled his neck to make him stop moving, the more he moved against me, the more I wanted to rip off those stupid clothes and make him scream~

"M-Mr. J-Jam..." He whispered, his voice barely reaching my ears.

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