Unknown: REVISED

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As the title says, I'm taking the original Unknown and redoing it. I didn't really have a plan for it and the ending kind of sucked, and it felt way too rushed... So, I 'm going to redo it... Actually, I've been meaning to for a while now. .. Anyway, Enjoy!


A dark boned skeleton sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair. He was bored, his math teacher deciding to torture her students with almost fifty pages of a mash between Trig, Algebra, and Geometry.

Basically, a whole round of what the hell and boredom.

He sighed again, rubbing his eyes as sleep tugged at them. It wasn't that late, barely even four, and he was already exhausted!

"PJ!" A pale skeleton called, opening the door to the teen's room. "We have new neighbors!" The young artist chirped happily.

The jock leaned back into his chair more, looking out his open window.

True to his step-mom's words, there was a moving van outside. It also looked liked someone was wearing the fucking rainbow.

"Come on, let's go meet them!" The hyper adult called out, almost bouncing on her feet.

The jock shrugged, he needed a break from the papers any how.

The small trio left their house and made their way over to the brightly colored skeleton who was happily moving large boxes into his house.

"Hello, neighbor!" The nice skeleton called out, smiling cheerfully.

The bright skeleton stopped mid way back to the van, turning towards the small family.

For some reason, the pale skeleton wore sunglasses even though it wasn't that bright outside. And these sunglasses, weirdly had writing on them... That could change...

"Heya, broski!" They called out in a happy tone of voice as their glasses read HE_YA.

Ink giggled softly while Error winced. Their son just rose an eyebrow. That was certainly new.

"What can I do for ya, home slices?" The weird skeleton held a bright smile, not the least bit unnerved by the family.

"Oh, we just came to welcome you to the neighborhood!" The sweet mother happily chirped.

The rainbow wearing skeleton gave a happy chuckle, nodding his head towards the others.

"Thanks, brah!" He turned back to wards his house. "Well, I gotta get these boxes in there."

"Do you need help?" The taller skeleton asked, deciding that the boxes were going to be a little too heavy for someone as small as the stranger.

Even with the glasses, it was clear that the oddly dressed skeleton's eyes were wide.

"Uh... Thanks broski, but I got it..." A smaller, almost looser smile was formed on their face.

The dark boned skeleton reluctantly nodded. Some people would just be stubborn towards help.

It didn't matter, he had homework to do.

A couple of months passed since the 90's wearing monster showed up(PJ researched the slang and colors after he got home). A couple of times in the first few days the jock would catch a glimpse of the bright colors, before they disappeared behind a wall of people... Though, after those days, he hadn't been able to see those colors for a while.

Shaking his head, he opened the door to his room, seeing his step-mom, Mrs. Yang-X and a kid that PJ hadn't seen before in his living room.

"Uh... Mom, who's this?" The dark colored monster motioned with his head towards the unknown monster.

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