The Singer pt3

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: iskin2

Paperjam giggled as he felt someone lightly give him a kiss on the cheek. He knew who it was.

He slowly opened his mismatched eyes, they glowing with happiness. 

"Good morning, sweetheart." Fresh mumbled soft, his voice filled with care.

"Good morning." Jam giggled again, snuggling deeper into his boyfriend's covers. He liked this... This felt nice... 

"Awe, come on, breakfast is ready." The white skeleton held a wide smile, chuckling at his love. He knew the dark skeleton was tired as they... well, both skeletons yet again had some more fun~

"Only if you carry me." Paper joked with a wide grin.

The parasite smirked as he easily lifted the smaller and walked downstairs. Paperjam gave a small laugh as he snuggled into his lover's arms. He may have been in a bad relationship with his boss, but he liked this one better... He felt protected and cherished, happy even.

Fresh sat his love in one of the chairs and took a seat next to him. They were the only ones at the table as Unfresh left in the middle of the night to spend some time with a friend of his. 

The two ate in silence for a small bit, it was rather peaceful, like everything was perfectly fine. That nothing bad would happen.

"Do you want to have a chill day until our date tonight?" The parasite asked, looking at his lover with only admiration in his eyes.

"No, I have work today, sadly." The younger gave a weak smile at the thought of going to work for that pest.

The killer felt something tick inside of him at the thought of his love working for that thing, but it instantly cooled when he thought of how well the monster was scared of him and his brother.

"If he does anything to you that you don't like, tell me." The kind parasite whispered, cupping his love's cheek.

Jam giggled, blushing brightly. He loved how the other was treating him, like he was their Queen... 

"I love you, Fresh." The teen whispered, leaning into the hand.

The older monster smiled at this, slowly pulling the other into a welcoming kiss. The younger melted into it, loving every second of it.

Soon, they pulled back, panting lightly.

"I have to get ready... I'll be back as soon as I can." PJ gave a small, love-sick smile.

Fresh laughed softly, nodding.

"Why don't I drop you off and have Palette pick you up?" He offered, standing up to take the nearly finished plates to the sick.

"If it's alright with him... I don't want to be a bother..." The young teen looked down, blushing softly. He really didn't want to seem like he was using Fresh for anything, he wasn't. He loved the guy and he only known him for three days! His soul pounded at the thought of being near the monster, and he's always blushing when he is. He loves the pale skeleton...

"It won't be a problem at all. Besides, Pal likes ya, you two seem to have hit off." There was a smile in his voice as he gazed down at his love.

PJ laughed softly, nodding. They said nothing as they went their opposite ways, the ink skeleton going to their new room to change and the parasite going to the kitchen to place the plates in the sink for the maids to clean up.

The day went well, Fresh didn't have much homework to do at the college and PJ's boss actually left him alone!

When Palette came to pick up the young monster, he was getting excited for the date!

PaperFresh Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें