Fly Away Bat!

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It was Suave's turn to watch young Prince Jasper. Jasper just seemed more behaved around the young servant... Well, as behaved as a baby vampire can get.

Though... It seemed as if today was not the loyal servant's lucky day.

First, the baby decided to play hide and seek with the poor boy and then refused to eat! Oh! And then he started to smash all of his toys! The servant boy almost at an end!

The thing was... He actually loved the baby bat. He liked how peaceful he could be sometimes and other times Lord Jasper could just change everything around!

"Suave!" Cried a maid that had taken the child away from him since Suave needed to do other things as well.

Said skeleton looked back only to see a small black body with black wings flying upwards.

Not needing to hear anything else as he jumped up to catch the bat baby. He, however, had not seen the little Lord's strength.

Even with the weight of the small butler, Jasper was still flying higher.

"Aah! Jasper!" Suave cried out in alarm.

The little baby giggled as he flew higher and higher. It seemed as though no one was able to save Suave.

Until Fallacy grabbed both of them and glided down to the floor.

"Are you okay, Suave?"

The little butler panted, but nodded.

"Yes," he huffed again. "I didn't realize that Lord Jasper would learn to fly that quickly."

The black boned skeleton king, looked down at his son with a proud look. The king usually never smiles to anyone but Enre.

"He is Enre's son... A fast learner at almost anything." He cooed at the baby before he handed the small being back to Suave. "Please watch over him. He won't fly away again if he's entertained."

The loyal butler nodded with a determined look. He didn't want to let his lord down! Besides, the baby would be easy to handle... Hopefully.

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