Medicate pt2

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Freshy sighed softly, smiling at his mother.

She looked so beautiful wearing the simple deep red dress. It was her husband's favorite, along with hers. It always seemed to compliment her so well and with every meaning behind it.

"He's a lucky guy, Mom." He hugged her tightly, laying his head on her bare shoulders.

A soft, musical laugh floated from her, her mismatched eyes once again glowing with life.

It had been almost two weeks since his mother had meet her new friend. This was the first time that the two were going on an actual date.

"Thank you, Freshy." She whispered, lighlty patting her son's hands. "Your support means the world to me."

The pale boy chuckled softly and nodded.

"You'll always have it." The two stayed there for a minute, hugging each other. They were all they had left of their old family. After a minute, though, the young man let his mother go. "You should get going. Don't want to make him wait."

The kind mother laughed happily and kissed her boy's head before skipping out of the house. Without her light, the house dulled and quieted.

The young boy smiled for a moment, then he allowed himself to frown. He truly was happy for his mother, he always will be, but he wasn't sure he was needed any longer.

Before his thoughts could turn too dark, a hard knock formed on the front door.

Freshy cautiously went to the door and opened it. Standing outside, holding a plastic bag, was Jam. He looked exteremly bored, almost ready to fall asleep where he stood.

"J-Jam?" The nerd asked sofftly.

The intense mismatched eyes of the jock looked towards the shorter male. Wordlessly, he held up the plastic bag that had a bright purpley-pink logo. The logo was honestly just a weird looking robot-box thing with the letters MTT writtion on the top.

Slowly, the teen opened the door more, letting the other in.

Jam noted that something was different about the house. It was happier. There were more personal items and pictures, the ones that survived fromt he fire.

Freshy sat down on the couch, shyly looking up at his partner.

The dark skinned boy blushed a bit. Lately, he had been noticing the cute, adorable things that the nerd was doing.

It honestly was odd how was only noticing all of that now, but he wasn't complaining. Though, truth be told, he was kind of wanted the smaller to ask him to be his friend. Frankly, he wouldn't mind if the nerd simply asked him to be his protector!

"Moive?" He asked roughly, his voice not really making it sound like a question.

Even still, the smaller male nodded, starting to fiddle with his hands. He wans't sure what to really say or do... The only people he really talks to were his mother and Lucy. Even then he wasn't talking much, and Lucy did most of the talking about her senpai.

Seeing as Freshy wasn't going to be moving, Jam placed the food on the small coffee table and looked at the movie selection. There wasn't much, but he found a good action movie he thought they both might like.

"Austin Powers sound good to you?" He asked, holding up the multicolored box.

A sudden smile sprung to the smaller's face, a smile that was just breath-taking and gorgeous. It was so full of life and happiness, something he hadn't seen in the other.

Jam said nothing about the smile, he didn't want to loose it. Instead, he just placed the movie in and let it play. While the movie played, the two of them just sat back and ate the food.

Half way through the movie, Freshy passed out, full and rather calm.

His body fell onto his partner's, laying there peacefully. WIthout meaning to, the tiny male clung to the warmer, bigger body.

A hot blush cormed on the jock, it crawling all the way to the back of his neck and up to the top of his ears.

For a couple of seconds, he did nothing, letting the other fall deeper asleep. Slowly, he traiiled a hand on the left side of the other's face, smiling a bit to himself.

He expected to feel soft, gentle skin, but he felt something rubbery and bumpy almost.

Pulling back some, the darker male carefully took the other's sunglasses off. Once he did, he felt his heart break.

Freshy's left eye was burned. It wasn't bad enough to be ugly or ruin his vision, but it certainly was bad enough to leave a scar.

Gently, the jock once again traced Freshy's face. His heart byrned wiht an emotion he hadn't felt  for... An emotion that just made him want to protect the smaller.

Being careful, he brought the smaller to his room. He remembered being told that his room was the top floor. There was only three doors there, one leading to a towel cloest and the other to the bathroom.

Going into the final room, it was just a merage of birght and neon colors. Splatters of paint were everywhere, but it all looked new. It didn't help that there were new paint cans and dried paintbrushes sitting near the door.

Jam looked at the room, then to the male in his arms. The bright colors, they were hiding the sadness. The guilt and pain were being covered by loud colors and shy clothes.

"I can see you." The jock whispered softly, laying the hurting boy in his bed.

He didn't know why he said that, but he meant them. He meant the words he said. How could he not? Not when his heart yearned to protect and care for the other, the be near the other so they could be happy.

He was going to make sure that Freshy was happy. Happy and protected.

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