I Trusted You pt 2

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Slowly I opened my eyes and sat up, wincing in slight pain.

I ignored it and simply got out of my bed. I'm used to the pain that the others inflict on me... It's the only constant thing in my unstable life of hell...

I looked through my old dresser and grabbed out a grey shirt and some black pants. Once those two items were on, I pulled on one of those long sleeved, wool sweaters that you'd think a librarian or a stressed mother would wear. Then I placed a matching grey scarf around my neck.

Once done with getting my day outfit ready, I started packing my school bag with the things that I was going to be needing, along with my notebook.

"Paperjam! Hurry up, or you're going to be late for school!" Shouted one of the caretakers.

I felt myself wince at their shout though. I don't really like loud noises, so school is like literal hell for me with all the shouts and hollers and everything in between. It just doesn't help me at all...

Pulling on my small boots and glasses, I left one of my small havens and went down into the rowdy place of my misery.

I silently walked down the grand stairs as the other children ran into the dinning room for breakfast. I wasn't hungry, besides I walked by my little safe place on my short cut to school, so I could just drop in without a problem.

The soft, Fall air filled my lungs with peacefulness. I liked the outdoors, they were more fun and exciting... They were more enjoyable and beautifully unpredictable... Best of all, they were mostly quiet too.

My boots barely made a sound, except for the crunching of leaves under foot, but it was good... Being silent was sort of like my specialty, something that I'm not very good at.

As I looked around the small forested area, I felt lonely. The street that I was on wasn't busy until near ten in the morning, it being only near seven. The sky was just a pale blue color as the loving sun rose.

Keeping my head down, I pushed open the door to my favorite café in the whole town, the only place that I could ever be safe at.

"Jamster!" The owner called out, making the only people there turn to stare at me.

I gave a soft smile as I walked up to the counter.

"Hey, Sugar... How is everything with Melon?" I whispered, blushing at the feeling of eyes on me.

"Oh, she's doing well! I'm making sure to take the doctor's advice and make sure she's not doing any heavy lifting or anything too dangerous." The love-sick monster smiled happily, handing me my bag of food and ice drink.

"I hope you two get enough sleep when the little one comes." I told softly before leaving.

"Bye, Jam!" The sugar-skeleton called out, laughter in his voice before he went straight to some sounds of grunting. I think they were coming from Melon trying to get down the stairs... She is one to try and fight rather than just lay down and die.

The thought of her fighting spirit made me feel warm inside... Like I knew she was going to be happy, no matter what happens in her life... Like I just knew she was going to be okay...

Taking a small breath of air, I slowly drank my cold drink. The cold didn't really brother me, it actually felt nice... Comforting really, like someone was watching over me. Stupid I know.

Taking a deep breath, I hurried to my school. I really didn't want to draw too much attention to myself again... I was still healing from that time...

Tossing my trash in the metal waste bin, I silently crept into my first class room and made it all the way to the back before the first bell could go off.

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