Baby Fresh

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Me and Jammy were walking around the anit-void when I saw someone...

I decided to say nothing since they probably were nothing. That wasn't until that same person came up and kissed me!

My once white cheekbones became a bright neon blue as they stepped back.

"Bye! Have fun for the next month!" She said as she vanished in a cloud of orange.

The cloud surrounded me and Jam-Jam for a moment. It was only a moment... But when the smoke cleared... Everything seemed bigger...

"Mr. Fresh?" A small voice asked me.

I looked at where it came from only to see a cutie! They had black bones like my brother Error, but they seemed ink like. A part if their skull floated away but never really left them.

Then their eyes! They looked kind of liked Ink's eyes! But for some reason, I couldn't help to stare into them.

"M-Mr. Fresh?" They asked me, burying their head into their pale brown scarf.

"Hello! What's your name, broski?" I asked them as my shades became small little hearts around the words YO_LO.

They blushed before grabbing my hand.

"We got to go to Mommy." They said. Slowly their yellow and blue eyes looked at me.

I quickly flashed them one of my smiles. They seemed to have blushed even worse as they snapped their head in front of them.

"Mommy! Daddy! Something is wrong!" They shouted as soon as a house came into view.

Almost instantly my big bro and Ink ran out to see what was wrong.

"Jammy! What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did Fresh do something to you?" Ink fired off, looking over Jammy.

"Mommy!" They whined as they tried to get out of Ink's protective grip. "Mr. Fresh is here."

All the grown ups eyes looked at me. I didn't like how they were judging me... Even my bro was!

"Error? What is wrong?" I asked, feeling tears forming my eyes.

Error's glare stopped as his breathing stopped.

"iNk... WhY d0n'T wE lEt ThE kIdS pLaY?" He asked his wafiu.

"Yeah!" I yelled grabbing Jammy's hand and ran into his house.

He just laughed and giggled as we raced around. I was somehow faster than him, but he didn't seemed to mind.

Soon, he ran up the stairs to maybe his room. There we played with some of his toys before we started to draw. 

After a while, we started getting tired... I didn't know why, but I didn't want to leave Jamster... 

"Yo, Jam-Jam, can I stay for the night?" For a moment he was silent.

"Of course, Mr. Fresh!" He suddenly screamed, a bright smile on his face as he hugged me tightly. 

"Awe!" A soft voice came from the front of the room. 

Looking over, I felt heat on my face flare. Ink had that look on his face, that he would never let this day down... Plus he was holding something behind his back...

"Mommy, can Freshy stay here?" Jammy asked in his innocent voice. 

"Of course, Paperjam, I even got him some pajamas he can wear!" 

Before a word could leave my mouth I was dragged away from Paperjam and into, what I think was Ink and Error's room.

"Try these on, Fresh." He said as he walked out of the room to let me get into them. 

I looked at them in a bit of distaste. They were too kiddy for me... Though I guessed it could have been worse than anything else. 

I pulled over the sky blue shirt with white imprints of clouds on it. The sleeves were a pasel pink with a bright yellow and green under shirt. I then pulled on the green and purple shorts. Before I opened the door, I threw my shades back on so no one would see my eyes. 

Once, the door was opened, I almost immediately regretted it as I was awed and cooed at by Ink. Then Jamster was staring at me with a gapping mouth... Could things get any worse?

"W-what's up, meh home slices?" I asked as though I didn't notice the change in their attuides. 

Error just smirked at me as he picked me up and literally threw me into the brightly colorful room that I knew as PJ's. 

"Sleep tight, kiddos."

Paperjam ran in the room to make sure that I was okay seconds after big bro threw me in. I sighed lightly as the door closed.

"I'm okay!" I proclaimed with laughter.

He stared at me with worried eyes. Actually, one of his eyes became a blue circle.

"I'm okay!" I yelled out again, with a smile.

For a moment he did nothing, then he held me! My face burned with heat as he continued to do this.

"Okay... Then lets go to sleep," He told me as he dragged me to his bed.

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