Happy Birthday Fresh

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Paperjam sighed, messing with his phone. He was bored, like usual. He couldn't destroy an AU or Ink would use one of those magic things to stop him. 

Sighing again, he checked the date. It was April nineteen... 

"Wait... Shit!" He shouted, jumping up. 

Tomorrow would be his best, and only friend's birthday! He totally forgot with all the killing and destroying AU's! Then there was the 'bonding time' with Dad one!

"Damn it, damn it. God funking damn it!" He shouted, covering his mouth with his eyes wide. 

"Wazzup with the unfresh lingo, my brosph!" A white skeleton wearing a colorful jacket asked. 

"U-Um... It's nothing... Just lost a game... I was over reacting." Paperjam quickly lied.

"Oh? Wanna let me try, homie?" He reached his hand out, his smile never fading. 

The abomination of ink and strings gave him a small glare. 

"Like I would let you. You always make the most impossible scores!" 

Fresh laughed at his friends words. Though he could sense something was off. Even though he can't feel for shiz, he knew how to read people. PJ normally would be relaxed and calm around him, but he was tense and look stressed.

"Dawg, are ya lyin' about bein' fine?" He voice dropped to a deeper tone. 

"No... I'm just thinking, I have to visit Dad one actually." Paperjam teleported away from the parasite to Ink's house quickly. It was a bit blurred, like it was smeared, since the last time he had visited, he ended up getting angry at the white skeleton.

"Paperjam? What's wrong?" Ink had just taken one look at his child and knew something was wrong. 

"Fresh's birthday is tomorrow and I have nothing to give him!" The inky skeleton exaggerated, his hands roughly gripping his skull. 

"H-Hey... I-it's okay! I-I could finally teach you how to bake a cake if you want... A-and we could make him a gift." 

All the abomination could do was nod as he had nothing else planned. So the two skeletons set on working on baking a cake. A cake that they planned(Paperjam mostly) on Fresh eating by himself. 

Once that was done and on the cooling racks, the two went to making one of his most favorite things. Furbies.

By then, the cake was done cooling and Paperjam iced it himself, so it was a bit sloppy. The younger skeleton knew that Fresh wasn't very picky about the things he ate or how he ate them, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

The next day, Paperjam impatiently waited for his friend. 

"Hey, brosph! How's the flip side?" The white skeleton waved happily, even though he didn't really smile. 

"Here! I wanted you to have these." PJ forced the fairly large bag and box into the other's hands. "I have to go... Happy birthday, Fresh." 

The darker skeleton teleported away from Fresh, not wanting to see how he would react. The parasite was confused on how is friend was acting. He didn't like how his friend was acting... 

Yeah, he knew it was his birthday, but he still didn't care and he just wanted to spend the day with his best bud! Though... The hidden gifts made the 90's themed monster very curious. 

He sat done and opened the box first since it seemed to be the heaviest. It was a cake! A 90's themed birthday cake! 

The icing was a bit off, so Fresh could only guess that the younger skeleton was the one who did that... Meaning Ink had to have helped the poor monster with baking the cake! 

The thought made him blush a small bit as his big, forced smile became relaxed and at ease. He set the cake aside to eat for later. He then went to the large bag. 

Instead of looking inside it, he just reached in and pulled everything out. The bag was filled with maybe six furbies, all different colors! There was a note attached to one too!

Fresh looked at it, reading it aloud. 

"Hey, Fresh. Hope you like the furbies and cake... I had Dad one help me with both... Sorry that I forgot about your birthday... Hope this makes up for it... Have a nice day you 90's trash." Then there was the old version of the winking emoji. 

It was cute to say. Not bothering on getting up, Fresh scooped all of his new furbies up and hugged them tightly... This was seemingly a better birthday than any other he had so far.

Happy early Birthday Fresh. Also I hope you like this!


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