The Abomination pt2

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A black boned skeleton sighed in boredom. He had not been able to do anything in a week.

Yes, he had a job. The same job he had when he was a kid. The pay was good and the work was okay. The thing was, he hadn't taken any vacations. This had caused the manager to forcefully make him take a three week break.

Sighing again, he got up. He could go for a relaxing walk. He normally never does that any more.

His feet hit the sidewalk lightly. He didn't really make much sound, if any. The town knew him as that. About everyone knew that he did not like to talk and that he won't take crap from no one. No one messed with him. He liked it like that.

It was almost nightfall, so the park barely had anyone. It made the skeleton happy since the park at nignt was usually a beautiful sight.

Suddenly, the black boned skeleton was pulled into a dark alleyway that lead to the darker part of town.

He did not cry for help, but he did struggle in the person's grip.

"Screw it!" They yelled as they slammed the monster into the brick and stone wall.

"Ah!" He cried as he felt some bones break or bruise.

His mis-shaped eyes glared hell at the human. They wore a lustful smirk on their lips as they let their hand travel up his shirt.

The skeleton went to kick them, but something had already forced them off of him. The human cried in pain as blood fell from their mouth.

Another skeleton appeared in that same instance. He wore a bright neon blue tail coat with a pastel pink under it. The pants were an awlful shade of pastel or something color green. The monster's sleeves were short and he had dark purple, fingerless gloves. His shirt was a lavender purple with a yellow bow tie.

Instead of actual dress shoes, the stranger wore white shoes that had brown lacing on it, making it seem like they were sandels. He also had a red top hat with a yellow strip going across the middle of it and a blue spinner on top.

"Trying to hurt someone who did no wrong to you... Is bold... Is stupid... And is just plain rude." The stranger had a weird accent and looked liked they were struggling with words.

"M-MERCY..." The human whimpered, making the dark skeleton tremble. This... This was too close to home.

He kneeled down in front of them and sighed. They were to die in days time, but they needed to be nice and see heaven's light.

"I'll show you MERCY. And show others as well." The monster tapped their forehead lightly, making them pass out.

Slowly, he turned to the bright skeleton.

"What do you want, Rainbow freak?"

The colorful skeleton looked taken back that he could be seen. No other monsters but Angels and Demons could see him! And those that are to die!

"Well... The names Fresh, kiddo," Fresh stopped trying to talk like everyone else. It was just too much work.

"... Paperjam..." PJ mumbled. He didn't care if the guy knew who he was... He just didn't want others to know or remember.

"Paperjam... So wazzup, Jamster?" He asked, being completly oblivious to the other's name.

Raising a questionable eyebrow, he answered.

"Nothing much... Just going for a nightly strole."

"Mind if I join?"

PJ just shrugged. He didn't care. It was just for the night.

"I don't see why not... No one is gonna see you."

He turned around and walked away from the both the skeleton and the human.

Fresh smiled lightly at the strange being. He could tell that he was an Angel of some sorts, but not all the way...

"What are ya?" The reaper asked.

Paperjam didn't really want to answer that. Yet, he knew that the other could feel his aura. It seemed so pointless to keep it hidden.

"I'm an abomination... Or thats what I was called." 

The black boned skeleton saw the other visibly cringe at the name. He wondered why...

"Sorry about that, broski." The guy looked down slightly, like he was guilty of something.

"... It wasn't your fault..."

For a couple of minutes the two walked in complete silence. However... It was a nice type of silence... Not an awkward or sad one. Just... Peaceful.

"Its getting late. I have to go home," Paperjam didn't really want to leave, but it was getting late. "See you tomorrow?"

Not waiting for the answer to his question, the 'living' skeleton walked away. The bright one did not mind, he just simply teleported home.

The next week was just of PJ and Fresh getting to know each other. It was fun and interesting, too say the least. Paperjam started to actually enjoy the others company more and more.

"PJ..." Fresh looked... Sad... Why?

"Yeah? Something wrong?"

Fresh stayed silent. He usually wasn't this quiet about somethings...

"Paperjam... I know your parents..." The abomination froze. "They miss you... So please," Fresh looked at the other, his glasses no longer on him. "Please come back with me."

Paperjam froze. Not because the other knew who he truly was, nor the fact that one of the eyes of the reaper skeleton was a soul. No... It was because he didn't have an answer.

This wasn't the first time the two had talked about it. They both knew the pro's and con's of going back. But... He didn't know!

"W-why are you crying?" Fear... Something Jammy hadn't felt in a long time crept into his voice.

"Please... Come back with me..." Fresh weeped, pulling Paperjam into a hug. "I can't reap you..."

Those words made everything click.

Fresh was sent to take Paperjam's soul... But can't do it... He wants him to go back to SAVE him.

"I'll go back... Only for you."

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