His Family pt2

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A parasitic monster quietly sighed to himself as he ate the Superman ice-cream.

It didn't really hold any flavor, so it was a wonder on why he got said treat... Maybe it was because he liked the bright colors.

Just when he was about to finish, the store's bell rang quickly, it was over shadowed by loud laughter and talkative voices though.

The sudden noise caused him to look over towards it.

The noise was coming from two skeleton children, one who had white bones and seemed to be the older one with the younger one having black bones. They both were talking happily to a black boned skeleton, who seemed to be just shy of twenty.

They all looked happy and almost carefee. He envied that.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Cried the younger, making wild gestures towards the ice-cream. "Can I? Can I?"

Their mother laughed to herself, lightly nodding her head.

"Fine, fine." She laughed, allowing the little one to rush over to window.

The scooper/cashier guy laughed gently.

"Long time no see, J." He laughed again, a smile on his wolfish lips. "How's college gettin' ya?

J sighed heavily, groaning afterwards.

"Hate it, but what can I do?"

The two chuckled softly as the two children looked at the sweets.

"It's been a while since I've seen your brothers. Is that hag still workin' for ya parents?" The wolf monster leaned on the counter, not bothered in the slightest that the children were being loud. Actually, no one was.

"Not for long," At this J smirked, pulling out a small, but old audio recorder. "Got enough evidence to get her butt locked in jail for child abuse."

The furry monster gave a soft whoop in happily, high fiving the other as they put the recorder away.

"Well then!" The guy chirped out, putting on gloves and getting some waffle bowls. "On the house."

The dark skeleton smiled at that and pointed out the ice-creams the three of them were getting.

Quickly, they got the ice-creams and sat behind the parasite, their... guardian behind directly behind him.

The man shook his head, trying to ignore them, but one of the children was talking loudly about how well he's been getting at baseball.

The monster took a chance.

"Excuse me." He quietly asked, the two kids not stopping their sweet conversation together.

Yet, his simple words swiftly caught the guardian's attention.

"Yes?" They narrowed their eyes, raising an eyebrow.

The pale skeleton gave a soft smile, apologetic looking.

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but what are you to them?" The eyebrow raised more. "I'm sorry, but the children called you mother, but your friend called you their older sibling?"

The dark skeleton blinked, a little confused, before their eyes widen and their mouth formed an O. Then a soft and sweet giggle left them.

"Older brother, but I'm usually the one taking care of them like a Mom." He told with a soft smile. "I'm Paperjam." He said, offering a hand.

"Fresh." The parasite took it, giving a firm, but quick shake. "Well... I should head off and find a hotel or something." He chuckled as he stood up.

Paperjam shook his head.

"Wouldn't head out now, if I was you." A confused look was his answer. "Heavy traffic. The area may be small, but that usually just means traffics worse. Specially since many of them are entitled people."

Fresh sighed, looking a little annoyed.

"I really dislike entitled people."

This got a snorted laugh.

"Tell me about it. I've met them all."

Both of them quietly laughed till two childish whines were heard.

Jam looked back to his younger brothers, who were pouting.

"You weren't listening." The youngest whined.

The oldest brother chuckled, smiling down at them.

"Sorry, Cil." PJ lightly tapped his chin for a second before smiling down at the boys. "Why not go to the park? Hmm?"

This got the boys excited.

The older one then turned to the new guy, giving him a small smile.

"Wanna come? The park's close by and it'll give you something to do while the traffic calms down."

Fresh gave a soft smile, nodding.

The four of them had a rather nice day... It was peaceful.

The brightly dressed skeleton had made the two little boys laugh, happily exhausting from playing chase and other things.

He was also a very interesting person to talk to, easily holding conversation with the older brother.

"Bye, Mister. It was nice meeting you." The inky skeleton told, holding his two sleeping brothers with ease.

The parasite laughed softly, smiling at the slightly shorter monster.

"Anytime, Jam-Jam."

With a soft laugh, the young adult left the lonely man standing on the grass.

He honestly couldn't believe it... He couldn't believe that he found them...

The perfect family...

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