Spider's Web

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A spider's web can be used for a few things really. It can be used as a home, as a net for food, and as something for a gift.

But, there is one thing that no mortal thinks of... Where did the spiders come from? 

Paperjam was going to find that out... And maybe find something a bit more.


A harsh push sent the young teen into the dirty street water, soaking him thoroughly. 

"Hahaha! Nerd!" Two older teens shouted, shoving the smaller and affectively weaker male back into the water before dashing off.

A couple of tears fell from the smaller's eyes as he shuffled up. It hurt when people harmed him... It made him feel smaller and weaker than he really was... He was smart, clever, and tough when you got to know him... He was scared of things that normally scared people... But, he still got picked on, called a nerd, called so many hurtful and cruel names!

Wiping away the fallen tears, he trudged back to his small apartment. No one knew he lived alone, no one knew his parents were killed in a car accident... No one knew that he was all alone, barely having any friends, no known relatives... 

He sighed as he dropped his sopping wet bag onto the old hard wood floor. Kicking off his boots, he started taking off the rest of his clothes. Since he lived alone, he didn't have to worry about someone seeing him naked, no lived in the area he was in. 

There were too many incidents of people being poisoned in their sleep by spider bites, so no one really comes to that area, but Paperjam didn't care. If he died, then he died. He was alone, so he didn't have anyone to live for.

Throwing the ruined clothes in his old hamper, he went into the bathroom to warm up some and get the dirt off of him.

He huffed softly when he saw a large, Daddy Long Legs and a black widow.

"Horror, Killer." He whined, gently picking the two spiders up. "You know better than to be on the facet. I don't want to hurt you two." He pouted gently as he placed them on a hard wood table.

With that, he went back to taking his shower. The lukewarm water seeped into his bones, ridding himself of all coldness he had earlier.

Once the water started getting cold again, the mortal hurried to get himself down so he wouldn't deal with getting a cold.

Once out and dressed, he started going to his kitchen for some early dinner. He honestly didn't feel well enough to stay up to finish his homework.

Rubbing his eyes, he waited for the microwave to stop. Horror and Killer crawled up his arm, making the sadden human look down at them with a smile.

"Hey, guys... Hope ya found something good to eat in all this rain." Jam muttered, grabbing the muffs as the timer beeped.

The insects said nothing as they settled near the warm out source of the kind human. Yes, normally they'd try to kill humans, but this one was nice, letting them live in his home, talk with them, even try to keep them out of terrible storms!

Yawning, the tired mortal silently ate his food, the two small beings nearly asleep with the warmth that was surrounding them.

Carefully, Paper went to bed, lightly moving the bugs onto his nightstand so he wouldn't crush them. And like that, he was out when his head hit the pillow!

A pair of eyes glared down at the small human, anger behind them. They glowed with a magenta light, a soft click and clack sounding as they crawled down the wall and leaned over the smaller.

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