Unknown pt2

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Fresh slowly woke up, feeling warm... Which was odd as it was nearing winter and he rarely turns on the heat to save up money...

He tried to shift a little, but something around him tightened its hold.

For a second fear entered his mind, but then he smelled something like outside and ink...

The parasite sighed softly, carefully pressing his head into PJ's chest. Only PJ smelled like that... Not... Not like him...

Taking a deep breath, Fresh tried to moved again, this time lightly pushing against his only friend's chest.

This went as well as anyone would've guessed with a dead ass asleep fucker. The parasite only got stuck more, being lightly squished into the bed.

"P-PJ?" He whispered, lightly shaking the jock's arm.

Said jock groaned, but lifted himself up with tired, lidded eyes... It kind of was hot actually, specially with how the smaller was basically being pinned to the bed.

It took the ink skeleton some time to realize who was beneath him and a short while more on what he was doing.

A bright blush formed on his cheeks, but he couldn't move... Not when Fresh looked so... Beautiful.

His tinted glasses had fallen off while they were sleeping, forcing the world to see his eyes... His glowing, enchanted eyes...

PJ started leaning closer to Fresh, lost in the other's eyes. He got close enough that there was just barely a breath of air between the two.

Then, the parasite winced, whining softly.

The jock quickly pulled away, eyes widening in worry. Did he hurt the smaller?

Fresh's hands reached for his ribs, his wince softening now that PJ was off them.

Right... The parasite was hurt. Badly.

J gently rubbed the smaller's chest, being careful this time.

"Let me get you some medicine from my house." He muttered, getting up.

Quickly, Fresh grabbed the dark skeleton's arm, another whine leaving his mouth.

"Please don't go. I-I'm fine."

A warmth filled the ink skeleton as he stared down at the other, slowly nodding.

"Then, lets get you breakfast."

This got the jock a nod, the nerd carefully sitting up as to not hurt his ribs more. Damn did that anger PJ... He couldn't believe that asshole could hurt someone so sweet and gentle...

Deciding that walking could possibly hurt Fresh more, the taller monster picked him up and carried him to the kitchen table.

The parasite blushed a bit, smiling softly.

The day for the two, wasn't bad for Fresh, actually...

His neighbor was very gentle with him and helped him whenever he needed it, even if he didn't say anything.

The two of them studied and did the homework they had, played a few games, and watched some TV... It was such a relaxing day...

Honestly, Fresh couldn't remember being so relaxed and happy! And truth be told, he was glad that the jock was there with him... He oddly made it better, he even was able to convince the small skeleton to keep his glasses off.

After the small, but filling dinner, the two went to Fresh's room to lay down and cuddle... Well, PJ brought them both there and laid them down to cuddle.

A soft blush formed on the smaller's face, but he carefully curled into the other's embrace, just... Enjoying himself.

"Fresh... I'm going to go to school tomorrow." The taller whispered, being gentle with his words. "I'm going to talk with the guy who hurt you."

The small skeleton's eyes went wide, fear striking his face. Quickly, he shook his head.

"N-No... Pl-Please don't..." Fresh's voice cracked at the end, his eyes shining with tears.

PJ sighed, gently wiping away the tears.

"It'll be alright... He won't hurt you anymore..." He whispered, pressing his skull into the smaller's.

The gentle parasite nodded slowly, closing his eyes.

He had no choice but to believe the jock's words... But... There was something in the ink skeleton's eyes... Something that both frighten and calmed him...

"Now get some rest... You're going to need it." A soft voice muttered.

Fresh sighed softly, relaxing himself into the bigger monster's chest. He was safe at least... Safe in PJ's arms.

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