My Doll

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"One... Two... Three... Four..." Goth counted out as he faced a tree. 

Me and my half bro giggled as we raced with Whipple and Sprinkle to hide. Yeah, we're sixteen, but come on! We can act however we want!

I climbed up a tree and laid down on one of it's branches. I smiled as Sprinkle hide behind a park sign and my bro tried to monkey the tree. Whipple was the boss at playing hide and seek, so I had no clue where she was. 

"Twenty! Ready or not, here I come!" Goth shouted as he scurried out to where we were. 

He find Palette first as he fell right in front of him. Sprinkle was next. 

While his back was turned away, I jumped from the tree to another one. I shimmed down easily, since I was mostly ink, and hide under a group of fallen trees. 

"Find you, Whip!" Goth called out, pulling the master of hiding out of a rabbit hole. 

I squeezed myself under the trees even tighter, determined to be hard to find. 

My group of friends looked around for me, as I watched them. They never even came near where I was! I was on fire!

Slowly, my eyes began to grow heavy, so I guessed that a small nap couldn't hurt. 

"Hey, monster, wake the hell up." Some one roughly pulled me out from where I was hiding, waking me up. 

I held my head as a small bit of magic and blood came from the scrap the man gave me. He was a security officer. 

"What?" I looked around, seeing that it was dark as hell! "Oh snapdragon! I'm so sorry, but I have to go! Momma's gonna kill me!" I shouted, ripping my arm away from him. 

I didn't waste a second and dashed out of the park. I can't believe they couldn't find me! 

After a bit, I bumped into someone. The speed I was going at caused me to fall back, hitting my tail bone on the concrete. Which hurts!

"Ow." I muttered, rubbing it. 

"Are ya alright, dawg?" The person asked. 

I jumped up in surprise and a bit worry. I may have high defenses, that still doesn't mean anything!

"I-I'm so sorry! I just fell asleep at the park a-and m-my mom I-is gonna b-be worried." I broke down cry at how stressed I was. I hated how I was like that! I always cried when things got me stressed!

"Hey, hey... Come on now, bruh. I think she'll understand ya. Just tell her what happened." The stranger pulled me into a hug, rubbing circles in my back. 

After a few minutes, I calmed down. 

"S-sorry... I do that when I get overly emotional..." I whispered, keeping my eyes to the ground. 

"No prob, meh homie. Ya were stressen, which is totally unradcally." 

I giggled, looking up at the stranger. They talked funny. 

Turned out they were a white skeleton wearing dark rimmed glasses with the words YO_LO on them. He wore a bright, rainbow colored jacket with a dark purple sweater and orange shorts. He was kind of cute...

"T-thanks!" I gave him a sweet smile. 

His white cheeks turned a light blue, which I found adorable!

"I should get home... Mom must be stressing... When he starts stressing, then..." I shuddered, thinking of what Dad has to do to normally keep Mom from stressing... Yeah, nope! "I just got to get home quickly." 

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