The Ball

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okay, to start it off. I'm making it where Error is not PJ's father. Thank you for understanding. Please enjoy. 


"Paperjam! Come on! Please?" My older, half brother begged me. 

"No!" I shouted through the door as I held it close. 

Palette wanted me to get into some fancy dress because the king was holding a ball. Everyone was invited, so alot of people were gonna be there. 

Palette liked the idea of meeting new friends and conversing with the higher class of society. Me on the other hand, I just wanted to stay in the shop with mom. She needs all the help that she can get since Dream left her when she was expecting me... It wasn't her fault that some guy raped her!

"Paperjam, sweetheart? Is everything alright?" Mom asked. 

I internally groaned. Mom may love me and all, but she loved to totured me by making me wear dresses. 

"Palette wants me to wear a dress." I whined, keeping perssure on the door. "I want to stay here, with you."

I heard Mom sigh. 

"Jam, dear, please just put on the dress. I picked it out for you. Please... Please for me?" 

I sighed, opening the door. I hated it when she used that against me!

"You are mean to me." I pouted, acting like a child.

"Here, put it on! We only got a few more hours!" Palley thrusted a light purple gown that had a green sash to look like leaves or Lili pads. There was a bit of blue on the right side, but a lot. 

I sighed, taking the dress and going back into my room. I hated that I was a skeleton. The reason being that I was able to change my gender, meaning that I'm able to fit both dresses and suits. Which sucks!

I got bathed quickly then I pulled on the dress. It was  actully comfortable. Still, I didn't like the idea of being in a dress and surrounded by a lot of people. 

The ride there was slow, but it was expected as the castle was far away. By night fall, we were able to make it there. Mom was already tired and ready to head back and so was I, but Palette insisted that we make the journy worth it and stay for an hour. We agreed and went into the ballroom. 

I seperated myself from my family as they went their own ways. I headed to the punch table and got myself a small cup. I slowly dranked it, before I started to head out. I felt over crowded with how many people in the ballroom. 

After placing my cup on one of the passing servants' tray, I left for outside. I wasn't going far, I just wanted to get away from the people. 

Once out there, I noticed how the stars shone. I smiled at them and they smiled back at me. Sometimes Dream would come by and teach us about stars. He told me that they were little wishes just waiting to happen and  those that go out, were those that were made. 

I listened to the music that was playing inside. I stood up straight and danced to it. I moved swiftly, but fluidly. I loved to dance and create. I guess I got that from Mom then. 

I closed my eyes as I danced to the music. It was enchanting and lovely. I spun around, my hand out stretched as if to have someone take it. Surprisingly, that was what happened!

I opened my eyes to see a white skeleton with a purple soul in one eye socket. He looked alot like him, but his aura was so kind and gentle. 

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