Whipped pt2

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I sighed and left the room after I made sure that Paperjam was asleep.

Nightmare and the other's were whispering to each other when I finally got to the meeting room again. I rubbed my forehead in annoyance. What were those morons planning?

"What are you idiots whispering about?" I hissed, taking my seat.

Nightmare shivered at my tone of voice, knowing that I wasn't afraid to kill any of them. 

"We were talking about your relationship with the kid." Lust started, for once not making it sound like a horrible pick-up line.

"What about it?" I grumbled, too tired for this shit.

"Even before we told you who the kid was, you brought him here. To our secret base." Red glared at me, trying to see intimidating. It was like watching a puppy growling at someone... Meaning it was weak.

"So what, it's my home. You're all guests here and I can easily kick you out." I warned, glaring right back. 

The red wearing skeleton back down and whimpered quietly. Psh, weak.

"You're going soft, Fresh." Horror shouted, which earned a nice good ol' tentacle slap from me! 

"Jammy's sleeping, you asshat." I hissed, my eyes flaming. 

"Whatever. He can deal with it." The skeleton with the hole growled, but kept his voice leveled. 

"I'm not going soft." I denied. "I felt something was off about the kid, so I took him here. End of story." I explained, not going into detail on how I had saved him twice.

"Whatever, you rarely ever bring people here because they gave you a strange vibe." Lust growled, glaring at me darkly. 

"Watch your tone, you little bitch." I held the arms of the chair in a tight grasp. 

"Fresh, you're getting upset over something as little as that kid. I don't care what your plan is, but I know that you need to chill." Nightmare grumbled, shifting slightly in his seat. He can sense my anger is rising.

"This meeting is done. Get some fucking sleep you assholes." I growled, standing up suddenly. 

Red flinched at the movement as Horror and Lust gave each other sly looks. 

"If you are going to fuck, be quiet about it or I will cut off both of you dicks and superglue your assholes shut." I warned them, not wanting to hear there loud ass fuck moaning and scream for once!

"Whatever." Horror growled. "It's not like you would give us the same thought if you were fucking the kid right now." 

I didn't know what happened after that... I just remember being thrown off of a bleeding body and thrusted into my room, the gooey skeleton forcing it to go into lock down mode. Meaning, for a few hours I was locked in there with the kid. 

I grumbled lowly to myself, grabbing some clothes to change into. Thankfully, I had spare sunglasses, so Jammy wouldn't have to see my eyes. 

Walking into the bathroom, I hung up my jacket and kicked off my shoes to the side. Once I was completely undressed, I hopped in the hot shower. 

Getting pissed more than once in one night, it doesn't do too well for ya. It honestly gets really... Annoying. Like I said earlier, was it really worth being a villain for this shit? 

Well... I guess I wouldn't have seen my little nephew... Error wouldn't have wanted me, a heartless parasite, any where near his child unless he was desperate. 

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