Broken Innocence pt2

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Fresh gently shook the child awake, he wanted to make sure that he had taken his medicine and gotten something to eat.

"Y-Yes?" The little bean questioned, his voice still harsh.

"Lunch time." The parasite whispered, rubbing the little one's skull. 


Paperjam pushed the sheets off of him and slowly sat up. His head was still a bit dizzy, but nothing too bad. 

The kidnapper hummed softly and picked up the little one, not wanting him to move too much until he had gotten better. 

 "Here, it's soup, something light on your stomach." The parasite whispered, placing a bowl of tomato soup in front of the young teen. 

He nodded tiredly, sipping the warm food. An hour passed before Fresh laid Paper down again... 

"Mr. Fresh... When can I leave?" The child whispered, scared of the response. 

He had been there for a month, the storm having died down a week prior. Paperjam also was in better shape than before, his temperature still higher than it should be, but only by a single degree!

"When I say so... Don't try to leave or it will take much longer." The rainbow purred, gently rubbing the child's cheek. 

Paper nodded, looking away from the kidnapper. He wasn't feeling very well... He honestly felt homesick... Wanting to see and hear his mother's voice... To hear his father's awkward laughter... Everything... He missed home...

"C-Can it be soon? M-Mom and D-Dad m-might be getting worried about m-me..." Paper managed out, nervous as hell!

"I know they are, they're looking for you right now... But I won't let them take you a way from me... Not yet..." 

The parasite pulled the young teen into a warm hug, a hug that he couldn't help but to melt into... It was just... So warm and welcoming... Loving and protective at the same time...

Paperjam closed his eyes, thinking of ways he could get out of the cabin... Most of the extra snow had melted away and he knew where they were well enough to get out of it... There was just two problems... Number one being that the door was always locked, number two being that Fresh never lets his guard down...

"Lunch time, Jammy~" The rapist purred softly.

The small teen nodded, opening his eyes. He shivered at the voice that Fresh had used, but... it gave him an idea of what to do... Guess flirting with your bullies does help to some degree...

"Okay!" He happily chirped, getting out of the hug. He purposely let his hand brush against Fresh's nether regions, acting as if it was nothing as he simply skipped into the kitchen.

The parasite groaned lowly as he watched the little one disappear from his view. He could feel himself becoming hard from the action that the young one caused... PJ was going to be the death of him!

The young teen was rather short, so the cabinets above the counter were hard to reach to without having to stretch a bit. However, the plates, bowls and cups were in some of those cabins. Meaning, Paperjam used this to his advantage and stretched to get the silly plates and cups. 

Fresh bit his lip as he watched the tiny teenager try to grab the simple plates and cups. He honestly was getting turned on... The way that the small one could easily fit against him, how adorable and sexy the monster was at the same time... 

The parasite quickly shook those thoughts away, he couldn't do that now! The young one was still recovering... Though if the kid kept that up, he might not even be able to control himself! 

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