Secret Love

522 17 2

Prolouge (And yes, I will be making this into a story)

Everything was dark.

How cliche, was all I thought. 

From the scratchy feeling on my head, I knew I had a bag over my head.

Very cliché.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" A voice snide, ripping the bag off my head. 

It hurt a little, but I made no expression. I only at the human in front of me. I was nearly done with this crap!

"Hello again, Agent Thomas. Long time no see." The human smiled a yellow smile. 

I rolled my eyes as I glared at him. I was getting fed up with this song and dance.

"Go fuck off, asshole!" I shouted at him, my eyes glowing lightly.

The man tched at me, wagging a finger like I was some child!... Not the point!

"Such a mouth from someone so young..." 

The man pulled out a knife, his smile turning into a twisted smirk. I struggled against the ropes, bounding my arms. All this did was rub the material against my arms, reddening them. "So many things to do to you~" He purred, swiftly jabbing the blade into my shoulder. 

"GAH!" I ceased my struggle, the pain almost unbearable! The blade was enchanted to lower one's defense! Fuck!

"Let's see how long you can last before you spill your guts~"

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