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He gasped gently, the tears falling from his face as the pain in his soul eased, but it wasn't enough! It never was enough!

Sniffing, the young thing lowered the bloodied knife, sitting in his own pool of blood.

How pathetic he was... Oh, how he craved to know what it would be like to not have to deal with such a pain... To not have to force a smile every single time he was out of his room, to not have to laugh so hard to cry... He didn't want to be alone.

Slowly, he rose, turning on the facet to the bathtub.

Once the water was to the appropriate level, he carefully climbed in. He cleaned up his wounds, letting the water darken with his blood.

Then, before his mother could get home, he let the water drain, got his arms wrapped up and the floor was cleaned spotless.

He was hopeless...

"Hey, sweetie... How was school." The dark skinned mother gave a weak smile to her boy.

"It was the same as every other day. Though Lu gave me some cookies that she baked in cooking class." The boy gave his mother the same old smile, a smile she could only remember.

"Well, then it sounds like you've had a wonderful day!" The widow gave a happy chirp, her eyes shining dully.

The boy gave her the soft and gentle laugh he always gave her.

"I love you, Mom. Why don't you get some rest, I'll make us dinner tonight."

The mother just gave her son a thankful smile, moving sluggishly to her dark room.

Ever since her husband died, she was never the same... None of them were... She used to be full of life and creativity... So full of hope and joy, laughter and love! But... Lately, she's just been working herself to near exhaustion, giving broken smiles, no longer wanting to go out in the world... She was different... But so was her son.

Despite that his father was a bit of a jerk, he knew the guy loved him, in his tsundere way. The man was strong and happy, encouraging and he was the real reason that they stayed together... The reason that neither of them had let the dark world crush them... But, he... He died almost two years ago, and things haven't been looking good.

Taking a deep breath, the teen wiped away the stray tears before focusing on the simple tuna noodle casserole. There was usually enough left over to be for the next days lunch and dinner, so they wouldn't have to worry too much about that.

"Mom..." The young soul whispered, knocking on her door.

The door swiftly was swung open by the sadden widow, her mismatched eyes gazing up at her son's.

"Dinner's ready?" She muttered, her voice cracking unnaturally.


For the night, the two ate in the usual tense silence. Sometimes they would try and break the tension by making small talk, jokes even, but they never felt right... So, they normally didn't make an effort.

The next morning was a Friday, so that was okay... That left the weekend of peace and quiet...

The young teen pulled on his black undershirt, then he grabbed his beige cargo shorts, hooking red suspenders to them. Then he grabbed a teal plaid shirt, a pair of mismatched socks and his paint stained shoes.

Sighing softly to himself, he pulled on his usual, brightly colored sunglasses.

"Bye, Mom." He called after the kind woman as she hurried out the door.

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