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This chapter is all thanks to iskin2! Hope ya like it! Also, it's about 7000 words long.


A smile fell on his lips as he watched the mortal human shiver in fear. Their eyes wide with worry, terror of what he could do... What the King of Pirates would do!

"Now are you going to tell me where it is?" Fresh asked, raising his blade to the mortals throat.

They whimpered, but stayed quiet. They weren't going to tell the monster that! He can't! Chaos would spread through the world once again in his hands!

"N-no!" The mortal finally shouted, their hazel eyes filling with tears. 

"No?" The white skeleton hissed, glaring down at the mortal with disgust. "Why not, you fool!" 

"I-I protect the world from beings that have been forgotten... You don't want to find that ship! A great evil lives there! Please, I beg with my life and soul! Please, don't go looking for this ship! The evil will destroy all in it's path!" The mortal cried, thick blood, red tears fell from their eyes as they backed away from the pirate. "I said too much... I-I have broken my promise to Him... I am sorry my Fathers... Protect thy Son..." 

When those last words were uttered, the mortal became nothing but sea foam and stardust... Their hazel eyes reddening to the color of hellfire as they stared directly at the Pirate King. A warning held in those demon eyes, a warning he cared none of. 

"Go starboard, now!" He shouted, sheathing his sword. "Get me when you see land, you scurvy dogs!" He stomped to his room under the deck, sighing lowly.

He didn't know what 'great evil' could do to him.  Heck the mortal was terrified of him! How in the world could the mortal tame unspeakable demons if they were scared of him!

Shaking his head, Fresh looked at his map. He has  been almost everywhere on it. It was silly really, the lost ship of the so called Gods! 

In truth he found it funny how the ship was sunken thousands of years ago. The first ship to have broken and never return home. There was rumor that there were many enchanted items on that ship as well as millions of gems and jewels worthy of a the seven Kings!

However, no has been able to find it! Whoever go after it have said that a the serpent of the sea and the master of dragons guard it! Protecting the ship from even the most ruthless of pirates!

Fresh was going to be the first! He will find that bloody ship if it kills him! He will find it!

"Sir! You might want to see this!" A blue, red haired fish woman called out, not daring to open her captain's door. 

"What is it?" He growled, yanking the door open. 

"I-I don't know sir... We thought you might..." Undyne muttered, backing away.

The cruel pirate rubbed his eyes, but nodded. He was older than he appeared and might know more than the others. Though that still doesn't mean they can just storm down to him with every little things!

Walking up into the light of the sun, he stared in shock at the waters! They were glowing! 

A smirk pulled at his lips as he shook his head. Magic... That's how no one was able to even get near that ship! How could he not of thought of that! It was so basic and simple! 

"Nechť síla bohů umírá přede mnou! Nechte mou loď projít těmito prokletými vodami, aniž by had spolkl díru!" The old monster shouted, a dark, harsh magenta colored magic fighting the soft, blue tinted one. "Nechte mou loď plout kolem Pána draků! Dovolte mi a mé posádky vidět, co se skrývá v hlubinách níže! Přikázal jsem ti to!" (Let the power of the Gods die before me! Let my ship pass these cursed waters without the serpent swallowing it hole! Let my ship sail pass the master of dragons! Let me and my crew see what hides in the depths below! I command this of you!)

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