Chapter 21

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The next day

Linket was as wolf as she was secretly listening in to see if and children are going to be having a babysitter there as then linket hear about one of the young boys was going to have a babysitter. as then linket smirks darkly at hearing this and returns to Michael house as she returns she finds Michael napping. Then she decided to check on Laurie as Linket turns human walking in and closing the door behind her as she looks around for Laurie into linket can't find Laurie not knowing she is behind linket as Laurie takes her as hostage with her own knife to her throat as Laurie. says the tables have turn sister now your my hostage.

Laurie pov

As I take Linket as hostage hearing her Growls lightly into then I takes her out of the room with her own knife to her neck as she says. Michael will find me then kill you. I rolled my eyes not listening as I left the house with her while Michael is still sleeping while outside of the house I says to her. the place were going Michael has no idea about. I take her to my daughter house for a moment as I says to her. if you try and run your dead. I walks into my daughter house as I had the knife sticking to her back so she won't run as she walks in.

Linket pov

I walked in Laurie daugther house as she oddly looks like Jamie as Laurie puts my own knife to my back as Laurie daugther says sounding like Jamie. who is she. Laurie says my sister in law which is your aunty Linket and grandmother to your children even through she not blood related. Laurie grandchild came in as Laurie daugther says. so you bring a murder in my house that would lead uncle Michael here to kill us all are you out of your mind mom. Laurie replies as she sets me on the couch hiding my knife in her back pocket. I'm not leaving her Jamie here I'm taking her with me. l sits on the couch silently as Jamie daugther that's Laurie grandchild sits next to me as Jamie watched into her and Laurie gose to talk in private while I says. what do you of me. Jamie daugther replied. I think your a psychopath from what my mother and grandmother told me. I replies. well I'm your grandmother as well even though I'm not related by blood. Jamie daughter eyes widened as I whispers. and I'll make sure Michael and I kill you first. she gets nervous knowing Michael is her grandfather by blood and she left while Laurie came back and grabs me by the arm as I stands and follows her as she leads me to her car taking me to her house she had isolated as she drives she nodes the knife to my ribs as she drives.

Michael pov

I wakes up wondering were linket is into I then felt some fear and angerer then I realised that it was linket. while something has happened to her so I gose looking around my house seen she is not around as that was when I felt a threating feel so I was about to leave in search of Linket into I see Laurie with linket knife holding it to linket ribs. so I decided to steal a police car that was across the road from my house as I gets in and decided to follow my sister with my partner.

A few hours later

Laurie pov

As I was driving to my house I see linket sleeping but I knew I shouldn't let my guard down. then when I gets to my house it was the fortress I picks her up taking her inside of my house as I takes her to a room and lays her in there on the floor as I decided to leave her knife with her. while I left locking the door as I keeps a eye on my security cameras to see if Michael will come for her as I secretly started feeling a bit bad for Linket feeling that she was sucked into Michael and I mess.

Linket pov

I wakes up rubbing my head a bit into I looks around seen my knife so I grabs it and stands seen no windows and only a door. so I gose to it trying to open but it was locked into I heard Laurie coming back as I sits on the floor holding my knife as Laurie walks in and says. so your awake. I nodes as Laurie sits in from of Me as she then says now tell me why are you in love with my brother. i says stubbornly. why should I tell you that for. Laurie replies. just curious. i glares saying. well if you must know he was the only one that understand me and I was the only one who understand him he was there for me when no one else was. Laurie listens as she says. well how about when you took that bullet for him. I replied. yes I felt the need to. I looks at her into she then says. that's kinda strange and sweet if I were to release you will you keep Michael away from my family. I then thinks and says. I'm not sure about that. he dose what he wants. I don't control him. Laurie stands leaving as I could tell she needs to think into a alarm went off as she left locking the door as I knew it was Michael coming for me as I smirks darkly.

Michael pov

I got to Laurie fortress by driving in through her gate as then I left the car knowing that properly set off some sort of alarm. While I gose to the front door as while I saw her looking through door as when I gets to the door shoving my hand in through the fly screen door and the window of the door Grabbing her by the throat chocking her. while I holds her to the door smirking under my mask into I left her go limp then I drop her to the ground and opens the door stepping over her body seen she passed out. So I walks up the stairs walking through the only door that is locked as I breaks it down by walking through it as Linket hugs me. While I hugs her back then i gides her down the stairs stepping over Laurie body as I puts linket in the police car I stole as I gets in driving back to my house while she says. Laurie threatened to kill me with my own knife. i looks at her for a split second onto I then puts my arm around her protectively as she nuzzles into my arm.

Later in the afternoon

No one pov

Linket and Michael returned to his house as he picks her up bridal style making her giggles as he takes her into the house making her giggles as he takes her upstairs and sits on the floor with her in his lap protectively. While he warps his arms around her but keeps hold of his knife as linket keeps hold of her knife as she nuzzles her head into his chest as she closed her eyes for a moment to think as he starts stroking her hair for a bit.

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