Chapter 99: The Third Task

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Cedric's POV

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Cedric's POV

I didn't want to let on how nervous I really was to my parents but more importantly, to Elsa. I swear she hadn't slept properly since I told her about the maze. I knew she felt like she was somehow responsible for the maze, even though I told her continuously that it wasn't. I hated seeing her blame herself for something that she wasn't in control of and I was determined to win the tournament to make her see that she didn't have to fear the Nornir anymore.

But none of that stopped me from pacing around the change room I had been directed to so I could change into the uniform I had been given. I was waiting for Dad to come and get me when I heard someone knock on the door. I knew that it wouldn't have been Dad who knocked, he would have walked straight in so that only left one person who would want to see me before the task started, Elsa.

I quickly made my way over to the door and opened it to see Elsa standing there in my old quidditch jersey, ripped jeans and cowboy boots. I couldn't stop the smile from my face when I saw her hair in pigtails with red ribbons, showing that she was supporting Harry as well.

"Supporting your little brother as well, I see," I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Your Dad's not going to be angry at me because of it, will he?" she asked, her voice muffled from resting her head on my chest.

"No, he won't. Mum yelled at him for picking on a fourteen-year-old boy who had no one. Besides, I don't care what he thinks and I would have been disappointed if you didn't support Harry as well," I told her.

"I couldn't not support him. He's just so lost."

"I know and that's why I love you. You want to help everyone," I said, lifting her chin up so I could look at her, only to see her blue eyes filled with tears. "Love, everything is going to be okay. I promise."

"I know, but that doesn't stop me from for worrying," she said, wiping away the tears before they had the chance to fall.

"I know, love," I said as I felt her pull away from me. I looked down, confused at what she was doing to see her pulling the bracelet that was her cosmic staff off and turning it into a leather bracelet and tying it on to my wrist.

"Now you have to come back to me because you have my comic staff," she said, holding on to my hand.

"I didn't need another reason to make it out of the maze, you were enough. But now it will be like you're with me every step of the way," I told her before leaning down to kiss her.

I never wanted to wanted the moment to end as I felt her hands slid up from where they were resting on my chest to around my neck. I could feel that her hands were cooler than usual from where she was holding on to me, telling me she was even more worried than what she was letting on which made me feel like I never wanted to let her go.

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