《Nihwé》 The Feeling Underneath

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Reviewer: MissRut
Written by: Gigi_washere

Gigi_washere, thank you for your time and trust.

The Cover: The impression the cover leaves on a reader evokes levels of empathy for the person in the picture who seems to be drowning and at the same time it has an air of mystery where the green eyes look up from. However, it’s concept is tilted a little too close to poetry of sorts. 4 points.

The Title: This is one of the most creative titles of any book I have come across so far and it goes a long way in the book generally; summing up location, emotion and experiences in just the word ‘underneath’ but it’s drawing more attention to emotional approach than the actual situation. 4 points.

The Blurb: The story’s blurb is insightful with just enough information to stir up anyone remotely interested. It has enough summarized pieces of the entire book and eliminates the option of reading between the lines to see what’s up and dive right into the action. 4 points.

The Setting: The story unfolds in a place called the LGA- a secret organization- which so happens to be hidden beneath the world we all know, is the training ground for the artificial humans. It’s a depressing environment generally but a uniquely interesting work of creativity by the author and just fits right in with the secretive and theme. 13 points.

The Plot: This plot is one of the classics; rejected stone turned cornerstone despite the odds of existence but with a lot of twists that keep you on the edge of your seat. 10 points.

The Characters: Now there are quite a lot of featuring characters and I am not listing them all but let’s all appreciate Caesar’s development along the way and the other AH’s he bonded with. Joe is most definitely a favorite just because of his heart. Dr. Reeves falls into that category as well despite his position in stark contrast to the mean Dr. Asad. The individual characters themselves show the realistic conflicts that we humans actually face based on circumstances we find ourselves in; from guilt to determination to timidity and submission and several emotions back and forth capable of making one forget it’s a book filled with fictional characters. The author has done exceptionally well in this aspect and I think this is the best feature of this book. 4 points.

The Content: I strongly recommend this book for sci-fi lovers who also like just a bit of drama. The steady progression of things from ‘birth’, new experiences for AH’s, the painful realization of the gravity of existence and merging it with the harsh reality of a regimented life and heartbreaking realities.
There are real life adaptations of lifestyle and thought processes bordering on the hunt for approval. The maltreatment fractions are a bit triggering for traumatized others but every piece of the story along the way is easily relatable and the resultant effect is priceless- filled to the brim with real thrilling action along the way. 19 points.

Writing Style: The author is direct in her approach to the subject of modified humans. Concise and yet elaborate. She uses a lot of detail to get her point across and none of it is wasted. Although the entire story is a huge hooker, there are points where it is sometimes a bit dry with over-stressing the description of a single incident, expression or emotion that lead to minor hitches in the narrative. In other words, some expressions are described in some words that end up dampening the flow of the story and dragging the narrative. 9 points.

Grammar, Vocabulary& Sentence structure: After reading as much of this book as I did, it shouldn’t be a surprise that there are little or no grammatical errors visible throughout the book. I still recommend proofreading and thorough cross-checking of the entire book for those slips that could have gone unnoticed. The quality of vocabulary overall could use a bit of patching here and there to keep up with the New Age scenery and also to match the pace of events. 13 points.

Engagement with Readers: This book is quite a hooker as I said before. I don’t think anyone should have regrets in following through with reading it. The cover should be altered though if it is to maximize appeal. 4 points.

Total points: 84/100

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