《Kailyn》The Enemy Beside Me

30 1 10

Reviewer: Kailucy
Written by: AeolianEon

Cover:  10/10

The cover is absolutely gorgeous! I love the way the colors aren't too bright, but they definitely drew me in. It looks professional. It's a great cover.

Title:   10/10

The title is stunning. It adds mysteries but 'who's the enemy?' is the question I immediately pondered that made me want to open the book. There are so many questions the title can bring out which is perfect because curiosity brings readers.

Blurb:   10/10

Where do I begin? The blurb is fantastic and perfectly written! It explains the setting of the book and gives some insight into how the world will work. Then it introduces the main character and what the MC will have to do. It is straight to the point and doesn't drag on, yet it gives all the key information to make the reader want more. I also love the little lines of reviews others left, I think it adds a nice touch to see what others have said about it. Very nice touch.

Character development:   9/10

Overall, I didn't see much development but I didn't read enough of it for me to be able to justify giving it a bad score. I also don't want to give it a 10 if I shouldn't. So I do like the MC maybe not in a "he's such a great person" kind of way but in a "he's interesting and I want to see where his journey will take him" sort of way. I am definitely going to be adding this to my library permanently to see where the character ends up going. I did take one point off because like I said, with how far I got to there wasn't much development if any, but that is not really a bad thing considering that It'd be rushed if there were huge changes already. So don't feel obligated to change that.

Plot: 19/20

I like where it's going, although I don't feel the plot is strong enough yet for me to give it a perfect score. But I'm sure as it progresses my opinion could change. I like the mysteries planted throughout the beginning chapters cause it really gets the reader going and wanting to continue nice work there.

Writing style:   20/20

You have a terrific writing style. The story is told in such a beautiful way that I couldn't help but love the story. The dialogue is great and the descriptions are mesmerizing. I love how you explain the world little by little, filling in the missing pieces as the book moves along. Overall, you have an amazing way with words!

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary:  10/10

I didn't see any mistakes, maybe a few differences in dialect but I don't really count those as mistakes. Of course, there's a possibility I missed something, but I'm unaware of it so I'm not going to take a point off for that.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I enjoyed it a lot. I probably would've finished all the required chapters in one sitting if it wasn't a busy time for me. But once I was able to I continued so that proves I enjoyed it. I will most definitely continue reading so I can find out what happens.10

Overall:  98 /100

Overall, it's a wonderful story. The character is interesting and the world is intriguing. The mysteries laced throughout are engaging and your writing style pulls it off perfectly. Keep writing!

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