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Reviewer: therosepoetk
Written by: AlisaH888

So first of all, the title. I would make some sort of bad joke about the title being a peculiar choice (haha, get it?) but for the sake of my own mental sanity and of yours that should rather remain untouched by my crude humour, I’ll resist. Anywho, the title is actually good. The cover is also really pretty, I like how you chose creative photography as a way of making meaning for your text. (I'm actually quite a sucker for creative or abstract photography, so make that of you will). The blurb is vague in that sense where I would suggest more concrete details, and as well, more substance into what your story offers. You want to add more emotional appeal to the blurb itself, as that draws readers in much more quickly. That isn't to say, your opening itself is devastatingly accurate (in that sense where I feel both fearful and impressed by your prowess). So in terms of emotional appeal as a whole, I think you've got that down to a hustle. Between handling the kindlings of romance, body dysmorphia (which I can confirm that you have portrayed quite realistically), and general thoughts of negative mental health, it’s all quite accurate and realistic. The plot is carried heavily by the thought processes of the characters, which I think is a choice that suggests what you as an author are capable of. They are diverse and have methodical thinking, which I like, but I'd like to see more of how their personalities can either flow or clash together. This is the fluidity of their relationships, which is just as important as creating them for the individual. The grammar and coherence could use a heavy dose of restructuring though, that is my main concern of the whole piece. Yet in summary, this was a unique and sardonically lovely read, and I really enjoyed it. Keep up the fantastic work my friend!

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