《Nihwé》Beyond the Barrier

27 1 4

Reviewer: MissRut
Written by: LilPegz19

The Cover: The brand new cover for this book is amazing. It captures interest so much more and it is absolutely beautiful. It captures more of what the story really is about than the previous one that gave the impression of a watered down romance. 5 points.

The Title: The title speaks volumes of perspectives to keep the readers on their toes for the inevitable unveiling. Another unique and creative title for a book that is worth it especially as it deals with an actual barrier in the story. 5 points.

The Blurb: This feature of the book is a great sneak-peek into the actual story. It has summarized what to expect without spilling all the tea in a fairly concise manner. 4 points.

The Setting: The fictional Edonia is a squeaky clean metropolis that almost resembles the “Heaven on earth” description of how life is supposed to be. It exists in a different space of time entirely and favors the medieval era and monarchy. A different ethereal and historical fantasy altogether. 14 points.

The Plot: The plot depicts the struggle of a people in general to accept a change; the difficult transition from the familiar to the very much unfamiliar and testing the waters of the unknown as a soon-to-be ruler decides she would start dictating her own pace. 10 points.

The Characters: Edanrai is the kind of ruler everyone needs in this day and age; a loyal and trustworthy force to reckon with. He is assisted in the matters of the kingdom and warfare by the mountainous Athena who is a militant, the princess’s personal trainer and best friend of the late queen.
Said princess is a bundle of inquisition and charm, always seeing her father as her hero any which way. She is betrothed to the literal knight in shining armor, Lucian, who is the cinnamon roll of the relationship.
Each of them come with their various character flaws that pronounce themselves as you go deeper into the book and observe their interactions in the most interesting circumstances. What is most remarkable is their pronounced individuality. 5 points.

The Content: We go from happy, peaceful and serene state of coexistence to a spillover in curiosity and questions on reality that ultimately launches into the familiar hunt for answers by digging into pasts and learning ugly truths. Danger? Check. Blatant insanity? Check. Defiance, disappointment and regret? Check. Drama? Oh, yes. 18 points.

Writing Style: The author is very expressive in her style of writing. She has a strong descriptive tough to each paragraph she writes which is not common in most books nowadays. However, some of it is a bit too wordy. There isn’t a proper balance where show-and-tell is concerned. Not everything needs to be spelt out to the letter to keep readers hooked. Everyone loves a chance to connect dots. 7 points.

Grammar, Vocabulary &Sentence Structure: I think we can agree that there were minimal lapses in this department. The vocabulary alone is impressive. Apart from unnecessary word usage of any sort-that needs work of course- this book is in the green zone. 15 points

Engagement with Readers: In conclusion, this book is quite engaging with the flow of events that transpire and the progression of the storyline. 12 points.

Total points: 95/100

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