《Kailyn》In Love and Diplomacy / Greystone Security

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Reviewer: Kailucy
Written by: BritishGravity

The cover is breathtaking! I love the fonts and it looks super professional. The colors blend nicely and it fits the genre well.

Title:   10/10

I like the title. (At the time of the review it was "In Love and Diplomacy") It fits the plot and it has a nice flow to it. It ties together the story but doesn't over-explain.

Blurb:   9/10

The blurb is great! It briefly explains the plot and introduces the characters. It doesn't drag on which is nice but it does give everything it needs. 

Character Development:   9/10

I didn't read enough for there to be significant development but as far as I can see there were a few small moments. The characters were engaging though and I really like the main character.

Plot:  20/20

The plot is super engaging and fast-paced. It doesn't drag but it doesn't go by too fast its just the right speed. It's compelling and had me hooked. I hope to finish reading once I have time.

Writing Style:  20/20

You have a wonderful writing style. It's engaging and concise. While being unique.  It certainly kept me hooked and made the plot even more engaging.

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary: 10/10

I didn't notice any mistakes. It's never a bad idea to go over it cause I can always miss something subtle, but as far as I can see it didn't have any mistakes. The vocabulary was on point as well, it wasn't too simple but didn't require a dictionary for every word. Very well done.

Enjoyment:  10/10

I really enjoyed this story and I hope to finish it in the future. I was hoping I'd have more time to be able to read it all before giving this review but I turned out to be busier than I thought I'd be. I can't wait to continue reading it!

Overall:  98/100

Overall, I think you have a wonderful story with a lot of potential keep doing what you're doing!

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