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—Horror's POV—

Here I laid, on my little Cupcake's bed. Damn, all I could think about was them, those beautiful eyes, their wonderful body (simp), how sweet their blood is. I stared at the ceiling, phone in one hand, pillow in the other. I hummed softly to myself, imagining the soft flutter of their soul. I haven't seen it yet, but I'll trick them into showing me some time in the near future. 

Suddenly, the pillow (or was it the phone??) started vibrating, and immediately I shot up into a sitting position. I figured it was indeed the phone, with a caller ID I instantly recognized. I groaned, my ex-boyfriend never stopped calling me. I let him keep my number, but I'm seriously reconsidering. 

Reluctantly, I pressed the call button, turning my phone down upon hearing the blasting strip music, along with laughter, smacking, endless clinking and tapping too. I lifted the device to the side of my skull, muttering an unenthusiastic 'hey' to my lewd caller.

"Hey babe~." They replied, god I knew this voice too well. It made me cringe and cough slightly but I quickly recomposed myself. "Sup' slut." I said, adding a small chuckle when I heard them groan, followed by a loud clink

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that!" Lust hissed, audibly huffing from his side.

 "I told you not to call me your babe anymore but you still do." I retorted, earning an aggravated scoff from him. "Anyways, before we relive me dumping you, what are you calling me for perv." 

Lust grumbled at the derogatory nicknames, but didn't complain any longer. "Well, I heard from one of my guys that you and your little... friend group have been pillaging some multiverse out in... well who the hell cares anyway." Lust said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. 

"You make me wish I would've joined when I had the chance..." Lust pouted, earning a bark of laughter from me. "What so you could run around raping people?! Ha!" I joked, shutting up when Lust growled, then silenced himself to think about what he could really do anyway. "I guess so..." Lust murmured, making me grunt in approval. 

"Well... you'll come visit right?" Lust queried, hope in his tone.

"Of course Slut." I said heartily, snickering at the agitated huff. 

"Well babe~ you know who to come crawlin' to during those heavy predatory heats~ You and your compadres too~." Lust purred, causing me to flush, even though it was just an audio call. "K-Kay slut." I whispered in response, checking the time and relaxing slightly. 

"Well, I guess that wraps things up huh slut? Unless you're gonna try and seduce me outta my money again." I giggled, listening to Lust move around. "Yeah, babe you don't have to worry about that again... I learned my lesson when I wasn't able to walk for a week." Lust chuckled too, giving me plentiful memories of the vengeful event. "Business was so slow..." Lust fantasized, a tone of happiness in his smooth, seductive, voice. 

"Well, bye then slut." 

"Bye bye, my little horny hornet." I hated that nickname, and I growled deeply, prompting Lust to squeak and immediately apologize. Just when I phalange was about to hit the end call button, Lust's frantic voice rang out, yelling at me to wait.

"H-Horror! There was this malicious skeleton looking for you all. He came to me, knowing I was your scout. He told me he'd find you all, and force his way in!" Lust sounded panicked, as though the memory gave him chills. 

"Hey, Hey now, we both know how powerful Nightmare is, I don't think he'd let some random shit infiltrate our base." I reassured him, but he didn't buy it. 

"Horror! I'm serious! He was tall, with this huge black cloak that went down to the floor, and eye sockets devoid of any eye lights!" Lust sneered, concern and fear lacing his voice. "He had a scythe, and claimed to be a god!" I was slightly surprised, Lust never acted like he cared about anything, and right know he was kind of scaring me. 

"Ok, Lust, I'll go tell Boss." I sighed knowing Nightmare would have the same reaction I had initially. A small knot formed in my nonexistent stomach, and I felt sick. I didn't want to just jump to my instincts, but some large part of me really wanted to believe the little swindling slut.  

"Look slut, don't panic, I got everything under control." I lied, trying to get Lust to get off my tail. Part of me was worrying for my Cupcake. What if that seeker didn't like humans? What if he was gonna kill her. What if Crooks gets roped into this? I cleared my mind and decided to ask the only relevant question that might benefit me.

"Can you give me a name slut?" 

"Of course, he goes by Reaper."


Hmmm... who would've thought Reaper was in here? Not me because I thought of this last night, while mad hungry. 

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

- De Moogus 

Playing with my food. (Horror sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now